Categories: Business

In Paris, shops close and attendance is at half mast

< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/2022-07/A5C1F3BB0364C576B3A3B69D0A0A2253D0DC5410.JPG ? Itok = CZ9F6EZ" WIDTH Height = "867" Alt = "The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo during the ' opening of the 2022 edition of Paris Plage, July 9, 2022, on the banks of the Seine" Class = "Lazyload Img-Flu Image-Style-Max-300x1300" SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/2022-07/A5C1F3BB0364C576B3A3A3B69D0A2253D0DC5410.JPG ? iTok = erb5jhin"/62 > AFP – Alain Jocard < P >< Strong > In Paris, the anti-car policy of the town hall transforms the city into a commercial desert. In 2024, attendance collapsed: 44.9% less tourist coaches, 30.2% of visitors absent from the parking lots, 18% less. Meanwhile, the curtains close.

< P >Even if Parisians seem happy, Paris is struggling to hide reality behind its facades. Shops fall like flies, victims of a mobility strategy that runs in fiasco. Since the health crisis, many have been trying to get up, but city policy has removed tourists and suburbs and suffocates workers. The town hall, by proclaiming flattering figures of decline in traffic, seems to ignore that this trend only accelerates the commercial decline. < P >Statistics, as they are published in the quarterly traffic barometer in Paris, do not lie: the intramural traffic volume fell 18.7% in one year, and parking lots are loss of attendance of 30.2%. Even Vélibs are used less and less. Acked up by stratospheric parking prices, Parisians prefer to abandon their vehicles or leave the capital, and others prefer not to set foot there. A situation denounced by < EM > Mobiwisy , which underlines the devastating impact on shops, whose survival depends on visitors. “Less tourists, it is also fewer shops and recipes”, a truth that hurts. < P > and in fact, the city suffers from a reduction of 44.9% of visitors in a year, even though the town hall hoped for an influx thanks to the Olympic Games. Paris, which aspired to an image of urban appeasement, sees above all its vitality fading. At this rate, it will only be enough for a walk to note the desolation of a formerly vibrant city. < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism. < P > With your support, France-Soir will continue to offer its articles for free & nbsp; we think that everyone must have access to free and independent information to forge their own opinion. < P > You are the sine qua non condition for our existence, support us for France-Soir to remain the French media which makes the most legitimate express.
Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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