< img src = "/uploads/blogs/f9/0f/ib-fqk3ji5s9_40df4a49.jpg" Alt = "to China's envy: in the US created a revolutionary wind power plant as it works"/~ 62 < P > Technology allows you to place a turbine on water and transmit produced energy to land using cables.
< p > A team of researchers at Texas University in Dallas (USA) has developed a new design of a vertical wind turbine that should produce more electricity at sea. About this project & nbsp; became known & nbsp; renewable energy magazine.
< P > The design has a vertical axis of rotation, which is different from the traditional three -bladed turbines with a horizontal axis. The prototype has about 182 cm in height, and the location of the blades resembles inverted eggs. Recently & nbsp; < em > focus & nbsp; explained why & nbsp; vertical wind generators from China & nbsp; not worth buying for home.
< P > Turbin will be located on the platform partially above and partially under the surface of the ocean and attached to the seabed by cables. Unlike traditional structures, the generator and controls are at the water level on the platform, which provides greater stability and facilitates maintenance. The cable stretches along the seabed and transmits produced electricity to land.
< p > Dr. Todd Griffit and his team recently conducted large -scale laboratory tests at the University of Min Min and proved that the prototype was working. The design has great prospects to capture unused potential energy from the wind blowing over the ocean.
< p >The next step is to create and test the structure on a larger scale up to 500 feet (about 152 m). In the end, the sea turbine will have up to 900 feet (about 274 m) & mdash; It is about a 72-storey skyscraper, and will produce electricity from the wind over deep sections many kilometers from the coast, when the system will no longer be visible from land. Researchers also develop additional technologies to ensure safety of design.
< P > Todd Griffit recently received a $ 4.42 million research grant from US Department of Energy to promote a project that supplemented a previous $ 3.3 million grant in 2019. Thus, the total investment was $ 7.72 million. The Agency for Energy Research Agency (ARPA-E) is part of the program “Aerodynamic turbines, lighters and a float” with marine technologies and integrated servo-control (Atlantis), which is aimed at developing new and potentially revolutionary innovations. Research not attached & Rsquo; ultimate to any existing offshore wind power plants.
< P > Project involves cooperation with other universities. UTD researchers have protested the prototype at the University of Maine, where there is a research center that can model wind and waves. Researchers have also checked and continued to test their design in the aerodynamic pipe, the marginal layer and the permeable aerodynamic pipe.