< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/06/D6/IB-FQR7QPLSM_A9309FD7.jpg" Alt = "In Britain, an 8-year-old girl accidentally spent about 10 thousand dollars on apps for Apple"/> < p > Apple agreed to compensate only two payments worth about $ 77.
< P > In Britain, an eight -year -old girl for three months without the knowledge of her parents made purchases from the App Store, spending on digital applications and subscriptions of £ 8500 (about 10 & Thinsp; 000 dollars). About this & nbsp; reports & nbsp; the Guardian.
< P > Parents did not suspect that their card is bred & Rsquo; When they appealed to Apple to return the money, the company first refused, and subsequently agreed to compensate only two payments totaling £ 60 ($ 77.53), arguing that only these transactions were unauthorized.
~ ~ ~ < p > & laquo; although others were made under the same circumstances & raquo ;, & mdash; quotes the media of one parent. The family is shocked by the fact that the child managed to make 270 payments without any checks, nor from the bank, nor from the Apple.