< img src = "/uploads/blogs/59/1d/ib-FR14V0q81_fc931624.jpg" Alt = "humanity already 2038 can face the problem of the past: what is it"/> ~ ~ < p > in 1999 people began to panic that computers would not be able to properly work out the beginning of a new century and the collapse of civilization. In 2038 the situation can be repeated.
< p >Many may not remember, but in 1999 people panicized about 2000. The fears were that during the change of 99 on 00 & nbsp; computers & nbsp; will not be able to understand that the new century has come; The date will reset for 1900, and the systems that depend on computers will fail, and therefore the collapse of civilization should be the collapse of civilization.
< P > eventually, the New Year has passed quite quietly – in many ways due to large -scale and coordinated work aimed at preventing disaster, writes & nbsp; IFL Science. However in this story there is a continuation …
< p > January 19, 2038 – the day when the time should end. At least for computers using 32-bit UNIX-time, and such a majority.
< P > “A significant 32 -bit integer can only retain the value from -2147483648 to 2147483647,” -explains the Tanium cybersecurity and management company. This means that the maximum time tag that such systems can be processed – 2147483647, which corresponds to January 19 2038, 03:14:07 at the World Coordinated Time (UTC).
~ ~ ~ > < p >These numbers are not clergy & ndash; хотя 2 147 483 648 может показаться произвольным для человеческого глаза, для компьютера, работающего в двоичной системе, это огромная веха: момент, когда счётчик достигает 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. Для 32-бітної системи це просто занадто багато цифр, тому вона робить єдине possible – reset the counter.< p > “Temporary label is overflowing and becomes negative, causing errors in date and time. For example, time tag for 03:14:08 January 20, 2038 in Unix -time -2147483648. 20:45:52 UTC. < p >After all the panic around this problem, we want to believe that this time humanity has predicted everything. In the end, at least 2006 has been known about the 2038, when a similar error has affected the AOL web server. In fact, the solution is quite simple and obvious: the transition to 64-bit systems.
< p > with 64 bits enough space for storage of temporary values for billions of years forward, even if you use high -precision (nano -sec) time.
< P > However, many databases, including relational and nosql, are still using 32-bit times. Programs written on C, such as C ++ and PHP, also enter the risk zone. Vulnerable devices on Windows, Linux, Android and IOS, as well as medical devices, industrial control systems used at power plants and transport, cars with onboard computers, routers, etc.
~ ~ ~ < p > in general, the consequences can be very destructive.< P > “To say exactly how we are ready, it is difficult. New operating systems already receive 64-bit time support, but the main problem is the available systems. The transition from 32 to 64-bit time for operating systems is not so simple,”-said in the material. < P > Simply put, a sharp transition to 64-bit time can cause chaos. Although all modern computer systems will be updated long before 2038, the main problem will be maintained in old programs that no one is updated.
< p > Even if you find and update all 32-bit systems, secondary effects from such large-scale changes should also be provided and studied to avoid new problems.