< img src = "/uploads/blogs/56/49/ib-fr1olfsvj_ec6a7172.jpg" Alt = "How to continue your life PC after completion of Windows 10: Best Solutions"/> ~ < p > with completion of Windows 10 Support Many users begin to think about what will happen to their computers. Lack of security and vulnerability remedies can jeopardize the data and performance of the device.

< P > On how to keep your PC when Windows 10 will no longer be maintained, says RBC-Ukraine (Styler Project) with reference to PCWORLD technological site.

~ ~ ~ > < P > Pay for extended support < Br /> If you do not have time or effort to organize a long -term solution and you do not mind to overpay a little, you can use Microsoft proposal for extended support. The company announced last fall that it would offer a year of continued security updates for $ 30.

< p >Buy an extra year can be a reasonable solution, especially if you want to get a new computer with Windows 11 but preferred to wait until next year.

< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F666666666666666cc229e0}} {116}" Paraid = "1393013473" xml: lang = "ru computer

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F66666666666666666666666666666666 Which officially does not meet the system requirements for Windows 11 is just to ignore these requirements. Microsoft, of course, does not recommend doing so, and to some extent it is right. TPM requirement related to new systems applies to safely store personal keys for encryption and other secrets.

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F66666666666666666666666229E0}} {120} "Paraid =" 650486877 "~ 62 Without safety updates, it is obvious that it is much better to install Windows 11 even if your computer is not as safe as a slightly new model.

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F6666666666666666666666666666666666666cc. A processor that supports SSE 4.2 and Popcnt instructions. This, in fact, means the Intel processor since 2009 or AMD processor since 2013 and newer. If this is possible, you should also turn on Secure Boot in BIOS.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F666666666cc229e0} {124}" Paraid = "1887299708" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > What do you need:

< Ul >< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Microsoft

< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F66666666666cc229e0}} {128}" Paraid = "1885543429" ~ Rufus

< Li Lang = "Ru-Ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F666666666666666666666666666cc229e0}} {130}" Paraid = "6469994492" ~ GB.

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F6666666666666666666666666666666666666 USB drive in the "device" section at the top. Find and select the downloaded & nbsp; < strong > .iso & nbsp; file in the Download Selection section.

~ ~ ~ < p lang-ru "paraeid =" {0f91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F666666666666666cc229e0}} {134} "Paraid =" 1701068316 "XML: Lang =" Ru-Ru "Ru-Ru" ~Leave other default settings: standard Windows installation in the "image", GPT for section and UEFI (without CSM) for the target system.

~ < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F666666666666666666666666666666cc2229E0}} {136}" Paraid = "1571894393" ~ ~ " Windows User Experience dialog box. It is necessary to note the top option - "Remove the requirements for 4 GB of RAM, Secure Boot and TPM 2.0". This is all you need, but if you plan to perform a clean installation rather than an update, you can also select other parameters such as using a local account instead of Microsoft account.

~ < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F66666666666666cc229e0}} {138}" Paraid = "868062849" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" Ru-Ru "~Click "OK" and make a warning that the USB drive will be formatted. The program will then copy all the files and make the necessary changes.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F66666666666cc229e0}} {140}" Paraid = "492410262" "492410262 XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > Update

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F6666666666666666666666cc2229E0}} {142}" Paraid = "1497060380" ~ and launch the application & nbsp; < strong > setup.exe . First you will need to take an agreement with the user and go through a few other steps, then the program will check the available updates. This may take some time so be patience.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{0F91c59F-a6d5-41b-AA45-32F6666666666666666cc229e0}} {144}" Paraid = "1966365839" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" Ru-Ru ".At the end, the program will complete the process and you can start installation. When installing this method, the default option will choose the option of saving all personal files and installed programs, so you will not need to re -adjust everything (except what has changed between Windows 10 and 11).

~ ~ ~ > < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4A8C-B0AF-1829D820771B} {40}" Paraid = "11555538215" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strng > reinstallation

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F57788e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829D820771B} {51} "Paraid =" 1206244520 "XML: lang =" Ru-Ru "Ru-Ru" Windows 11 before you go to it completely, you can restart your computer from a USB drive and install the system on an empty SSD.

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {53} "Paraid =" 2075626408 "XML: lang =" RU-RU-Ru-ru-ru-ru-ru ". If you have problems with multiple drives in your computer, try to temporarily delete all devices except which you set the system.

< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {55}" Paraid = "1085806367" ~ ~ ~ "Ru =" Ru-Ru ". Linux

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F57788E5D-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829D820771B} {57} "Paraid =" 1525277 You're ready for adventure, try to go to Linux instead of constantly complaining on Windows. Today Linux is more powerful than ever, and thanks to such open source projects such as Wine, Vulkan and Proton, easy to run a lot, if not all, programs and games for Windows.

~< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {59} "Paraid =" 562785037 "xml: lang =" Ru-ru " appearance and works in a certain way. Instead, there are many so -called distributors - different Linux options that can use different graphic interfaces and various tools to perform basic functions such as system updates.

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {f57788e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829d8207771b} {63} "Paraid =" 19228684447 "XML: lang =" Linux - start with Linux Mint. It has a graphic interface that is close enough to Windows and is designed to work immediately after installation unnecessarily. If you don't like it, you can always try something else.

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F57788e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829D8207771B} {65} "Paraid =" 1709954528 "~ ~ lang =" ru-ru-ru " disk or SSD, parallel to Windows so you can easily go back.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D820771B} {67}" Paraid = "1120970709" XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strng > download and create an installation medium 0 ~/p > ~ > 62 > 62 < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-1829D820771b} {69}" Paraid = "96849851" XML: lang = "ru-ru" > download & nbsp; < strng > .iso & nbsp; the file of the latest version of Linux Mint from the official distribution site. Then download and open the Balena Etcher app. Select .iso File in the first step and a USB jacket connected at least 4GB (no important files!) In the second step. Then click “Flash” and confirm overwriting the USB drive installer MINT.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829D820771b} {71}" Paraid = "2041662304 Installation

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829D8207771b} {73}" Paraid = "1198042272 access to the download menu to how to download Windows. Which key depends on the manufacturer of the computer, but usually these are ESC, F2 or F10 keys. Choose a USB drive and wait for Mint to load.

< P lang-ru "paraeid =" {F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {75} "Paraid =" 343462412 "XML: Lang =" Ru-Ru "Ru-Ru" 343462412Two click on the "Install Linux Mint" icon on the desktop, and the installer will start. First, choose a language. Then select the keyboard layout and continue. In the next step, note the "Install Multimedia Add-INS" option.

< P lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {77}" Paraid = "23910195" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" ~ 62. Choose Erase The Disc and Install Linux Mint and continue. The next step is important: Select the correct disk to install. You can usually focus on the size. For example, if Windows is installed on a 1 TB SSD and you install Linux on a 512 GB SSD and you do not have other SSD or hard drives, just select a 512 GB drive. Click “Install Now” and then “Continue”.

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {F5778e5d-3958-4a8c-B0AF-1829D8207771b} {79} "Paraid =" 1910032706 "XML: lang =" ruWhile the installation goes in the background, select the time zone, specify the username and password, as well as other data. Then just relax and wait for the process to complete.

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {F57788e5d-3958-4a8c-B0af-B0af-1829d82077 Work with Linux Mint

< P lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{4F502de5-07c4-44de-840Ae7c66b5}} {122}" Paraid = "1252624721" XML: lang = "RU-RU-Ru-Ru Ru-Ru". Password, you will meet MINT desktop and a greeting program that will help you get started. The "FIRST STEPS" tab (first steps) presents labels to several important features you can use immediately.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{4F502de5-07c4-44de-840ae7c66b5}} {126}" Paraid = "1939145401" XML: lang = "Ru-Ru" Ru-Ru.You can usually use the Software Manager application to install software, and system updates are installed via Update Manager (Update Manager).

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{1CB08B7B-F665-41FE-B798-9EAAC253E53FAE} {247}" Paraid = "653668449" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > However are exceptions . For example, if you want to play Windows through Steam, go to & nbsp; store.steampowered.com & nbsp; and click “Install Steam” (install Steam), rather than use the version that appears in Application Manager. Valve simplified this process and most games will work if you have enough modern equipment.

< h2 lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{4f502de5-07c4-44de-8440ae7c66b5}} {136}" Paraid = "411145060" xml: lang = "Ruind" ru-ru-ru-ru. 10

< p lang-ru "paraeid =" {4f502de5-07c4-44De-840ae7c66b5}} {138} "Paraid =" 20095551907 "} ~ ~ ~ r Ru-ru-ru-ru" Computer Work with Windows 11, you only have two options: buy a new computer or continue using Windows 10 without updates.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{4f502de5-07c4-44de-840ae7c66b5}} {140}" Paraid = "709328677" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You are at risk of safety if you decide to continue using Windows 10. It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take but sooner or later someone will find serious vulnerability in safety that can be used to capture your computer.

~ < p lang-ru "paraeid =" {4f502de5-07c4-44de-840ae7c66b5}} {142} "Paraid =" 731194459 "XML: lang =" Ru-Ru "Ru-Ru" Ru-Ru ".If you are lucky, such vulnerability will still demand that you, the user, be deceived by forcing you to click on the link or open the downloaded file. In case of less luck, it can allow hackers to access your computers simply while visiting the infected site.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{4f502de5-07c4-44De-840ae7c66b5}} {117}" Paraid = "1954829147" ~ ~ themselves from the main risks and avoid the worst consequences.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{5a85C45-1C6A-4BAA-A5B7-444A520A93E92} {27}" Paraid = "2101643604" xml: lang = "ru-ru" >< strng > Keep the programs up-to-date

~ ~ < P lang-ru "paraeid =" {9DF58102-BC25-4d85-B125-DF350ABFBDF7} {211} "Paraid =" 5944467014 "XML: Lang =" Ru-Ru "Ru-Ru".The fact that Windows does not get updates does not mean that other applications on your computer cannot be updated. The most important are browsers, but also mail clients, such as Thunderbird, and various chat programs.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{5a85C45-1C6A-4BAA-A5B7-444A520A93E92} {146}" Paraid = "916604223" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > Antivirus

< P > Pay for a good safety package and make sure all the functions of the antivirus are included

< p >< strong > Be especially careful when using the Internet

~ ~ < P > Avoid visiting “suspicious” sites and install only those programs you know that come from trusted sources.

< P >< Strong > Use a mobile phone for a two -factor authentication

~ ~ < p >Enter all important sites with additional code (or key/password) you store on your mobile phone rather than a vulnerable Windows Computer. So harmful software or hackers will not be able to capture your accounts through a computer.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{15ab7cd4-873a-4592-BBBA-AB9183292C4} {232}" Paraid = "968620043" xml: lang = "ru-ru" >< strng > firewall can help in defense 0 ~/p > ~ > 62 ~ 62 < p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{d8a72e4d-Fc76-43b0-9af1-D192b58528528bb} {60}" Paraid = "1180906341" ~ ~ ~ ~ "Ru-Ru-Ru-Ru Glasswire or Safing Portmaster that can block Internet access for individual applications.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{EB971a87-DC5A-4959-94E2-872222210213e} {43}" Paraid = "9003322292" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > Protection through dns

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{6A255760-FA0E-432F-A1F0-02F4F4FA822158} {14}" Paraid = "1662529222" ~ ~ "Ru =" Ru-Ru ".Use Pi-Hole or similar solutions to block advertising and harmful sites across the network.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{6a255760-FA0E-432F-A1F0-02F4FA822158} {229}" Paraid = "110955092" XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > minimize your vulnerability

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{fd0cb2b-FA95-4B99-99-9E27-839FCCCCCCCCCCC7777C273} {214}" Paraid = " Safer Operating System for Entering Important Accounts and Sensitive Data Management. If there is nothing important on your computer, hacker will not steal anything.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{Ca7649b7-8b5-46d4-A1E1-A726C06DC26F} {252}" Paraid = "735465026" " XML: lang = "ru-ru" >< strong > Use backups

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{F79C7A5B-75A9-4eaf-BF90-95888A08662cc} {191}" Paraid = "1350168536" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ With known safety vulnerabilities, it is an attack by a warrior program that encrypts all files on your computer. This makes it especially important to have a good backup strategy.

< p lang = "ru-ru" paraeid = "{6c886734-634-6F9b-470C-999FD-0Ae00a5550f24a} {27}" Paraid = "1893855881" ~ ~ "Rung =" RUNA-Ru-Ru. Connected to the computer all the time, otherwise the warhead can also encrypt them.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116