Categories: Techno

How many nuclear weapons are in Russia's arsenal: according to researchers

Russia often threatens to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine and has even started corresponding exercises. The researchers found out what the actual number of nuclear weapons in the arsenal of the aggressor country is.

This is what the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists writes about, RBC-Ukraine reports with reference to Defense Express.

Russia currently has only 75 nuclear warheads for 9M723 ballistic missiles and 20 warheads for 9M728/729 cruise missiles for the Iskander complex.

According to researchers, the Russian Space Forces have a total of 334 nuclear warheads for Tu-22M3 and MiG-31K, Su-24M and Su-34 aircraft. This number includes free-falling atomic bombs and “special warheads” for various types of missiles.

The Russians also have a total of 430 nuclear warheads under their 52 Tu-95MS, and 156 warheads under their 15 Tu-160s, in in both cases it is about “special warheads” for cruise missiles of the Kh-55 and Kh-102 types (a nuclear version of the same Kh-101).

It is interesting that the declared indicator of the arsenal of non-strategic nuclear weapons at the disposal of the Russian Navy looks much larger than even for strategic aviation – a total of 784 nuclear warheads. missiles and even depth charges. The Kalibr cruise missiles are not included in this list, since even Russian propagandists did not claim that these ICBMs could be adapted for nuclear warheads.

In addition, the authors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in separate lines put the figure at four nuclear warheads for the coastal complex “Redut” and 23 warheads for the P-800 “Onyx” missiles.

The use of nuclear warheads in air defense equipment may seem extremely specific, but the Russians also claim to have such “special warheads”. Here we are talking about 250 S-300/400 nuclear warheads and 68 53T6 anti-missile warheads, which provide Moscow's anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense.

At the same time, it is noted that decommissioned, but at the same time, unused nuclear warheads of the Russian Federation are accounted for separately, the stated figure there is 1200 units.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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