Photo: Kamala Harris/Getty Images
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has beaten her rival Donald Trump in three swing states, according to polls. states.
The corresponding results for the past week were published in The New York Times.
We are talking about Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, which, as a rule, determine the results of political elections in the country.
Judging by the poll, Harris is ahead of Trump by four percentage points in all of these states and the votes are distributed equally. That is, 50% are for Harris, and 46% are for Trump.
This result indicates a noticeable change in the rating of the Democratic Party among Americans after President Joe Biden withdrew from the election race.
The Democrats now have a noticeably stronger position in these three unstable states, which for a long time were key to the victories or defeats of the party. At the same time, the results show Harris's vulnerabilities.
Voters prefer Trump when it comes to whom they trust on the economy and immigration, issues that remain central to the presidential race, the NYT article says.
Prepared by: Sergey Daga