Photo: Kamala Harris i Donald Trump/Collage:
Presidential candidates from the Democratic Party Kamala Harris and the Republican Party Donald Trump have equal chances in the elections.
About this, compare the results of the CBS poll News/YouGov.
Harris is supported by 49% of respondents, and Trump by 47%. Independent candidate Robert Kennedy takes 2% of the vote.
In key states that determine the election results, the main contenders for the presidency still have a chance of winning.
Also with the results, Pennsylvania has a grudge candidates are ahead by 50%, in Arizona – 49%, and in Michigan – 48%.
Trump has an advantage over Harris in Wisconsin – 50% to 49%, Northern Carolina – 50% to 47% in Georgia – 50% versus 47%. Harris is ahead of Trump in Nevada – 50% versus 48%.
The study was carried out for 30 years, 2 sickles each.
Prepared by: Serhiy Daga