Despite numerous insider statements, rumors, and the like, Half-Life 3 was never announced at The Game Awards 2024. A month later, actor Michael Shapiro, the voice actor for G-Man in the Half-Life series, added fuel to the fire. He posted a post on X (Twitter) (which he does very rarely – the previous post on the same Twitter account appeared four years ago), which he tagged with “Valve”, “Half-Life”, “G-Man” and “2025”.
There was no other text in the post, but there was a video with a voiceover.
“Another year. Glad to see and hear from so many of you. May the next quarter of a century bring as many… unexpected… surprises, m? As the previous quarter. Once again, time flows like music. See you in the new year,” Shapiro says on video.
#Valve #Halflife #GMan #2025
— Mike Shapiro (@mikeshapiroland) December 31, 2024
Needless to say, the post instantly caught the attention of fans, who once again began to claim that the announcement of a new part of the legendary game is just around the corner.
Given the tag “2025”, whether this is true will become known in the next 12 months.