< Img src = "/uploads/blogs/ad/fc/ib-fcdigngl4_237c6fc9.jpg" Alt = "future storage < p >
< p _ngcontent-serverApp-c86 memory cells, packing data terabaytes in a millimeter cube. Technology is based on rare earth elements and activation based on light. This is a brand new data storage system that is not like everything we saw in classic computer. < p >
< H2 Class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > Revolution in storage of data
< p >Storage of data has always been based on a simple principle: an object that switches between “on” and “off” state can be used to store information. In modern computers, binary code & ndash; units and zeros & ndash; Takes different physical forms. Transistors represent these states, working at high or low voltage. On the CD “unit” appears where the tiny in-depth fossa goes into a flat surface, while “zero” & ndash; This is an area unchanged, reports & nbsp; 24 channel & nbsp; with reference to research published in & nbsp; nanophotonics.
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< P > Traditionally, the physical size of these binary components limited the amount of data that the device can store. Now researchers at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering of Chicago PME (Uchicago Pme) have developed & nbsp; < strong > The method of encoding units and zeros with crystalline defects & mdash; imperfections at the atomic level . This breakthrough can significantly increase the capacity of computer memory, since even one square millimeter of space can fit trillions of atoms.
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > How does it work
< P class = "bloquote cke-mackup" > every memory cell & ndash; This is one missing atom, one defect. Now you can pack bits in a small cube of material only in a millimeter, & ndash; says Associate Professor of Chicago Physics and Technical University Tian Zhong.
< p > This study began during the protection of a doctoral dissertation of one of the inventors, Leonardo Franci. He studied dosimeters & ndash; Devices that fix how many radiation receive employees of hospitals, synchrotrons and other radiation installations during work.< p >“In the hospitals and accelerators of elementary particles, for example, it is necessary to monitor what dose of radiation is received. There are materials that have the ability to absorb radiation and store this information for some time”, & ndash; says France.
< p > He soon became fascinated with how with optical methods, that is, lighting, you can manipulate and read this information.
< P > “When the Crystal absorbs sufficient energy, it releases electrons and holes. And these charges are captured by defects. We can read this information. You can release electrons and we can read information with optical means”, & amp ; ndash; added the scientist.
< p >Soon France saw the potential for storage of memory. He brought this unspecified work to the quantum laboratory Tian Zhun to create an interdisciplinary innovation using quantum methods to build classical memory.
~ < P > “We create a new type of microelectronic device, technology inspired by quantum technologies”, & ndash; said Zhong.< p > to create a new data storage technology & nbsp; < strong > The command added ion of “Liquid Earth elements”, a group of elements, also known as lanthanides, to the crystal . In particular, they used a rare -earth element called praseoodym and crystal itria, but the process they reported can be made with different materials using the benefits of powerful, flexible optical properties of rare land elements.
~ < p >“It is well known that rare earth elements have specific electronic transitions that allow you to choose certain wavelengths of laser excitation for optical control, from ultraviolet to the near infrared range”, & ndash; says Leonardo France.
< P > Unlike dosimeters, which are usually activated by x-ray or gamma rays, & nbsp; < strong > The data storage device is activated by a simple ultraviolet laser < P > Although crystalline defects are often used in quantum studies to create “Kubits” in gems, the Chicago team has found them different use. They were able to determine when the defects were charged and when not. By marking the charged gap as “unit” and uncharged “zero”, they were able to turn the crystal into a storage device on a scale that is unprecedented in classical calculations.
~ ~ < P > Unfortunately, they say nothing about whether this technology can be adapted to consumer use when and how much it can cost. We also know nothing about the speed of reading information from crystals. But it is possible that in the not very distant future our smartphones (or at least PC) will be able to store hundreds of data terabytes. < br />0 ~ /p >
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