< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/C7/74/IB-1iljq1T4J_73D7391A.jpg" Alt = "Functional is impressive: Ukrainian companies have made a breakthrough in drones"/> ~ ~ < p >

< P _ngcontent-serverApp-C86 = "" AppinViewport = "" Class = "News-Annotation" >0 ~ Strong _ngcontent-serverApp-C86 = “” >. By their characteristics, our drones are much exceeding Russian “Shahda”.

< p >

< p >

Developers focus on quality, not quantity. More & Nbsp; Channel 24 & Nbsp; Air Force, former Air Force Officer and Deputy Director Anatoly Khrapchinsky told. < p >

< h2 class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > What are the characteristics in Ukrainian drones

< p >The aircraft explained that there are copies of “Shahmed” in Ukraine, but they are ineffective in the conditions of actions that have an enemy. Ukrainian developers create percussion drones that show much better technical characteristics.

< P class = "insert cke-mackup" >< strong > Interesting! & nbsp; in its arsenal, Ukraine has many different types Dron-Kamikadze Beaver, Stork, & Nbsp; Nbsp-Dron “Palyanitsa” & nbsp; and & nbsp; “hell”.

~ ~ > 62 ~ < P > drones are capable of flying over 2000 kilometers and carry up to 250 kilograms of amounts. Some of them can not only deliver an explosive but also return to the base after performing the mission.

< P class = "bloquote cke-mackup" > Russian drones & ndash; This is about the number, at the same time Ukrainian & ndash; This is about quality, < br /> & ndash; Anatoly Khrapchinsky emphasized.

< P > Another important achievement is the presence of reconnaissance aviation complexes that allow you to work effectively against radar and enemy radio electronic systems. These technologies significantly improve the ability of Ukrainian drones to achieve strategic goals because they are smaller in size than the same “tailrars”, that is, inconspicuous for enemy radar.

~ ~ < p > Note that Brigadier General Yuri Shchigol stated that Ukraine & nbsp; nbsp; only strengthen the attacks & nbsp; on Russian military facilities. Also, our state plans to significantly increase the production of shock UAVs with a large radius of action & ndash; to over 2000 units per month.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116