< img src = "/uploads/blogs/5c/b9/ib-fq3t5aos9_6911E8e4b.jpg" Alt = "France released a new shi-hat for iOS: what he knows"/> ~ ~ < P > French Mistral Company specializing in artificial intelligence has released an iOS app for its chatbot LE CAT, facilitating access to the tool to users iPhone and iPad.
~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < h3 > What is known about lec
< P > Le Chat competes with other popular shi-shoes such as Chatgpt, using Mistral Large and Pixtral Large's own language models, such as Mistral Large and Pixtral Large. These models are also available through APIs for businesses. Le Cat offers both free and paid tariff plans, each of which opens different opportunities.
< P > Mistral states that Le Cat can answer questions up to 1,000 words per second, which makes it theoretically faster than the latest version of Chatgpt. The app also includes & laquo; advanced tools to create images & raquo; and & laquo; emphasizes a higher level of privacy than other chatbots with artificial intelligence & raquo;.
< P > Paid subscription costs $ 14.99 per month. The app is also available for Android users via Google Play.
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