< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/2025-02/Fertilit%C3%A9%20E 20chute%20Libre.png ? Itok = I86J98HX" Width = "1280" Height = "720" -Biological clock "Class =" Lazyload Img-Fluid Image-Style-Max-1300x1300 "SRC ="/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/2025-02/Fertilit%C3%A9%20en%20chute%20Libre.png ? iTok = ij1uvqvo " /> France-Soir, ia Fertility in free fall: an emerging crisis in women aged 30-35 – a societal change in sight < P >A recent study published in Nature Women’s Health by Cunnigham & amp; al. & nbsp; and relayed by the Daily Mail reveals an alarming trend: in the United States, < Strong > almost half of women aged 30 to 35 years would have early menopause symptoms , signaling a significant drop in their fertility. This discovery raises urgent questions about the causes of this phenomenon, its demographic implications and the challenges it poses for future generations. In France, where the birth rate has reached its lowest level since 1945, data converge on a similar crisis in fertility. This article explores the key points of this research, persistent gray areas, potential consequences and hypotheses on the origins of this drop, while comparing the international situation with that of France.

< p >< Strong > The points Important

< P >< Strong >Female fertility is declining at a much earlier age than before ~ ​​60 ~/Strong >. According to the nature study, around 50 % of women aged 30 to 35 have symptoms associated with perimenopause, such as irregular cycles, heat puffs or a decrease in the ovarian reserve. These signs, formerly rare before quarantine, indicate an acceleration of reproductive aging. This trend could redefine societal expectations around maternity, often delayed in modern societies for professional or personal reasons underline the Daily Mail and the authors.

< P >< Strong > a measurable decrease in quality and quantity of oocytes in women analyzed . The researchers used biomarkers such as the anti -mlery hormone (AMH) to assess the ovarian reserve, noting abnormally low levels in a significant proportion of the participants. In addition, the rate of spontaneous pregnancies decreases, while the use of medically assisted procreation treatments (PMA) increases, without guaranteeing more success.

< P > In France, data confirm a parallel drop in fertility. According to INSEE, the birth rate dropped to 1.68 children per woman in 2024, compared to 2.03 twenty years ago. This decrease coincides with an increase in infertility, today affecting one in four couple. French experts also point to an increase in ovarian disorders and environmental factors, an observation which echoes international observations.

< P >< Br >< Strong > Questions not Resolute

< P >Despite these advances, many questions remain.

< P >< Strong > The exact causes of this early menopause remain blurred . If factors such as stress, food and pollution are mentioned, their relative weight is not clearly established. Nature study calls for complementary research to determine whether this trend is universal or if it varies according to regions and lifestyles.

< P > The question of reversibility is arising: < Strong > Can we slow down this decline of fertility by medical interventions or societal changes ?Hormonal treatments or oocyte freezing are options, but their accessibility and large -scale efficiency remain limited. Finally, the data is lacking in long-term evolution: this generation of women will be the first of an affected series, or is it a temporary phenomenon linked to specific conditions ?

< P >< Strong > Demographic consequences Important

< P > If this drop in fertility is confirmed in time, < Strong > Demographic repercussions could be deep . In developed countries, where the population is already aging, a reduction in births would accentuate the imbalance between generations. Retirement and health systems, which are based on a sufficient active population, would be put under pressure. The Daily Mail notes that this crisis could also amplify inequalities: “& nbsp; < em >Women having the means to access the PMA or to freeze their oocytes would have an advantage over those which do not have its resources. & nbsp; “

< P > in < Strong > France, the situation is already Critique . With only 678,000 births in 2024 (INSEE), the country has recorded its lower level since the end of the Second World War. This fall threatens economic growth and social vitality, while the aging of the population is accelerating. On a global scale, the most affected nations could see their geopolitical influence decrease in the face of countries where fertility remains high.

< P >< Strong > Do we have an idea of ​​the causes Potential & nbsp; ?

< P > Several hypotheses emerge to explain this early decline of fertility. < Strong > Environmental factors occupy a central place : exposure to endocrine disruptors (pesticides, plastics, chemicals) is suspected of altering reproductive functions. These substances, omnipresent in diet and everyday products, could accelerate ovarian aging, as suggested by nature study.

< P > 60 ~ Strong > Modern lifestyle is also in question < P > finally, < Strong > Genetic or epigenetic factors < P >< Strong > No hypothesis on the Vaccination COVVID is advanced 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~. This subject seems taboo in some researchers and journalists, and does not correspond to the appropriate conduct of science where this question would seem completely normal for a self -respecting scientist. This despite the fact that many women complained about side effects on their menstrual cycle following COVVIV vaccination – several collectives have reportedly mentioned it as “where is my cycle”. In the United States, Trump plans to prohibit anti-Cavid vaccines in Messenger RNA. The new Minister of American Health Robert Kennedy Jr also makes increased requests for scientific data on vaccines while senator Ron Johnson requests accounts and data from health agencies as well as media.

< p >< Strong > Comparison with the France

< P >In France, the drop in fertility follows similar trends, but with local specificities. According to Ameli.fr, infertility affects approximately 15 % of couples, a figure increasingly increasing. As abroad, ovarian disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (SOPK), and the decrease in the ovarian reserve are increasingly diagnosed. However, France is distinguished by a relatively high appeal to PMA: in 2022, more than 150,000 cycles were made. With a sharp increase in requests for PMA & nbsp; in 2022 15,000 requests were made & nbsp; nbsp; The number of requests made for women is 7.5 times higher than that of heterosexual couples, as explained by Public. Despite this, the success remains limited, with a rate of living births by cycle below 25 %.

< P >The French birth rate, although net declining, remains greater than the European average (1.4 children per woman). Observation Société notes that this relative advantage stems from a historically favorable family policy: allowances, parental holidays and access to crèches. However, these measures are no longer enough to stop the fall. In 2024, INSEE brought back a 6 % drop in births compared to 2023, an trowl collapse < Strong > both to increasing infertility and < Strong > to a reluctance of young generations 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 < Strong > to found a family in a context of economic and climatic uncertainty.

< P >Compared to data of nature, the French situation seems less marked by a generalized early menopause, but more by a combination of biological and social factors – however it would be necessary to conduct the same study in order to be able to conclude. Endocrine disruptors, very present in intensive agriculture, are a subject of national debate, as well as the impact of stress linked to precariousness. Unlike other countries, France benefits from a health system that facilitates the diagnosis and management of infertility, but that does not compensate for the structural decline in fertility.

< P > The fertility of women from 30 to 35 years old is a critical turning point, as shown by recent research and French statistics. Between early symptoms of menopause and increasing infertility, this phenomenon questions established demographic and social models. The causes, whether environmental, linked to lifestyle or genetic, require urgent investigation to avoid a large -scale crisis. In France, where the birth rate collapses despite institutional support, the situation reflects a global challenge: adapting our societies to a reality where to design a child becomes more and more difficult.

< H4 > Read also Female cycle disorders & nbsp;: where is my cycle ? organized a “great gathering for women on Saturday” on Saturday ” “We have to be outside in the street to release women's speech.” Saturday October 8 at 2 p.m., Place Vauban in Paris, demonstrators gathered … 09 October 2022 – 16:51 Policy “There is a desire not to know” & nbsp;: the collective “where is my cycle” in the European Parliament For several months, thousands of women have reported side effects of COVVI-19 vaccines affecting their menstrual cycle. Mélodie, founder of C … April 05, 2022 – 20:18 Videos < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116