As experts note, spring is a great opportunity not only to refresh the garden, but also to use simple and inexpensive materials that will help plant growth. < img src = "" alt = "garden, source: pixabay" Style = "background-color: rgba (84,82,72,1)" > < P > Spring is a time of warm weather and an opportunity to prepare the garden and the area around it for the new season. Is an environmentally friendly, effective and free way & oacute; b to refresh external spaces before the arrival of a warmer season.

< p > despite the widespread belief that gardening requires significant effort in financial, at home you can find many useful things. Ordinary matches can, for example, not only be a pest fertilization, but also to become a pest protection means, in the detail of the flies, which are damaged by green areas.

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< H2 > Nettle matches and enjoy the effects of

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< P >Although matches are less common today because of the popularity of lighters, they can still be found at home. Gardeners advise to bury used matches in the soil because they contain beneficial elements – Potassium chloran, magnesium, phosphorus, iron oxide and sulfur. These substances support the troops of stronger roots and healthy leaves, which helps plants grow better. Why it is worth putting matches in a pot with plants – how to get rid of the fluff from the flower & oacute; with matches

< p > using matches in gardening is a simple and effective way to fertilize plants that does not require much effort to fertilize plants. After lighting the candle or lighting the stove, separate the matches of the matches and bury them in the ground near the flower & oacute; w.

< p > To ensure R & Amp; Oacute; It is worth breaking the matches into smaller pieces. Place them at a depth of 5 & 7 cm and a few centimeter & oacute; in the base of plants. As the breakdown, they gradually enrich the soil with useful elements, which will promote abundant flowering.

< p > It should be noted that this method is environmentally friendly and inexpensive, which allows you to improve plant growth. The released nutrients are conducive to the development of strong roots, bright leaves and lush flowers. Instead of throwing used matches, you can use them again to serve the garden.

< p > gardening using matches is not only a simple trick, but also a natural and economic way of & b plant care. When preparing the & oacute; d in the spring, it is worth using this simple method, which will provide a healthy plant growth and beautiful -looking flowers.

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< P >< Strong > look: from life taken. “My brothers want to give my father to a nursing home”: I objected, but I can't take care of him all the time

< Strong > About this is M&P; Oacute; Wi: such a surprise was waiting for Dorota Wellman. Internet users did not leave it without comment

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116