Strange situation at Szymon Hołownia's election meeting. The recording circulates on the web. < img src = "" alt = "Szymon Hołownia, sign language translator/youtube @WP" styles = "background-color: rgba (181,138,131,1)" > < p > as reported by the portal & goniec & rdquo;, presidential elections are getting closer. In May this year, we will see who will become the new president of our country. Szymon Hołownia will fight for the office for the second time. Although the polls do not give him special chances to enter the second round, the Speaker of the Sejm is still convincing to convince himself to the vocabulary. He recently met them in Częstochowa. It was there that a bizarre situation occurred. What ?
< P >< Strong > Szymon Hołownia fights for the presidency
< P >Szymon Hołownia is applying for the office of president for the second time. For now, the polls do not give him a chance to win, and even to the second round. Hołownia is fourth in the research. Ipsos survey, which Polish TV commissioned the performance of Polish Television indicates that Hołownia can count on only 6 %, losing to the third Sławomir Mentzen as much as 11 percentage points
< p > Despite the quite discouraging result of & oacute; in Hołownia does not give up and still meets with voters. Pr & oacute; to convince them of their candidacy. During meetings with voters, M & oacute; & oacutene areas that require improvement. As he notes, & ampquo; goniec & rdquo;, in Częstochowa, & oacute; < P > Hołownia in Częstochowa was accompanied by a sign language translator. When the politician M & Amp; Oacute; was about the issue of the Constitutional Tribunal, the translator's face clearly expressed what he thought about it. The recordings of this moment have become on the Viral network.
< P >< img src = "" alt = "Szymon Hołownia/YouTube @sejm RP" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (80,77,106,1)" >
< P >< Strong > reaction, which & oacute; ra m < p > & ampquo; if today I am the one who & oacute; nave, let something happen to the president – he is to take over the supremacy of the armed forces, then imagine now whether Mr. Święczkowski will collect this tribunal, whether he will do fools first that they do not get a salary, and maybe I can do a coup. convey it. Putin will wait for us to embrace ? today you need to heal the Constitutional Tribunal & Amp; RDQO; & ndash; Hołownia said. < p > The translator standing next to him eloquently looked at Szymon Hołownia and stopped explaining his statement. He also made a lot of m & oacute; a hand waving his hand. After a few moments, the Wr & Oacute; however, to further translate the expression into sign language. < p > politicians of the current opposition interpreted this gesture unequivocally. & AMP; BDQUO; Sage translator could not stand these stupid things – wrote on x Marcin Warchoł from PiS. < P > < iframe width = "560" height = "315" loading = "lazy" src = "" Title = "YouTube video player" Frameborder = "0" allow = "Accelerromet; Clipboard-Write; < p > and you, what do you think about the whole situation ?< P >
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