< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/3E/55/IB-FR1KAAAIAIAI_237C6FC9.jpg" Alt = "Ecologically and Effectively. France will install a underwater power plant"/> ~ ~ < P >< Strong > France has begun the implementation of one of the largest projections in the tidal energy. < P > Normandie Hydroliennes developed by NH1 received a funding of 31.3 million euros from the EU innovative fund. This will accelerate the installation of four powerful tidal turbines that will be able to supply 34 GW-hours of electricity to the national network annually.

< p >The project, located in & nbsp; allders-rais, will become an important part of the France's strategy with & nbsp; achievement of energy independence and & nbsp; reduction of carbon emissions. AR3000 turbines, developed by Proteus Marine Renewables, will provide energy supply for 15 & Thinsp; 000 houses, while remaining environmentally safe and minimally affecting & nbsp; marine environment. Full immersion of turbine in & nbsp; water excludes noise and visual obstacles that & nbsp; makes them better than & nbsp; traditional renewable energy sources.

~ < P > The European Union included NH1 B & nbsp; list 85 of the most promising projections financed in & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; & laquo; zero-nine; On & nbsp; expert opinion, tidal energy will become an important part of the energy balance of France, and & nbsp; to & nbsp; 2030 its cost will be compared with & nbsp; nbsp; floating wind power.

Creating NH1 also contributes to the development of the region's economy. Turbine production is carried out in & nbsp; France, and & nbsp; about 80% of components come from local suppliers. It is expected that & nbsp; the implementation of the project will create 400 new jobs, and & nbsp; further development of tidal energy in & nbsp; nbsp; country can lead to & nbsp; creation to & nbsp; 6000 workpan < P > NH1 demonstrates that & nbsp; tidal energy can become a reliable and predictable source of electricity, complementing the sun and wind energy. The financing of the project with & nbsp; Nbsp; the EU confirms its economic and & nbsp; environmental expediency, and & nbsp; nbsp; also strengthens France's position in & nbsp; sustainable development.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116