< img src = "/uploads/blogs/33/19/19/ib-fqk033g3c_f4a499ea.jpg" Alt = "Durov will reveal & quot; important data & quot; quot; quot; < P > The command & nbsp; telegram & nbsp; released a fresh beta-version of the Android app (it has number 11.8), which now shows additional information about the user that has started with you dialogue. Among the first about this & nbsp; reported & nbsp; Telegram Info.
< H2 > Among the data disclosed:
< Ul > < li > < p > whether the interlocutor is in your contacts;
< li > Country that issued a phone number;
< li > month and year of account registration;
< li > Number and list of common groups;
< li > whether the account is actually verified.
< p > About plans to do something like Pavel Durov & nbsp; wrote & nbsp; in July 2024. He also & nbsp; said that according to the new rules, Telegram will open the IP addresses and phone numbers of users on request.
< P > It is expected that the apdeit will be released in the coming weeks. You can download Telegram Beta 11.8 for Android from the channel & nbsp; tgfiles.
< P > Days Users Telegram & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp the function of paid comments. & Amp; nbsp; with its implementation, users and channel administrators will be able to adjust the number of stars required to send messages. < p > with the last & nbsp; the Telegram update became even closer to YouTube & nbsp; & ndash; Yes, when downloading the video, there was an opportunity to install a certain frame to the preview of the video. In addition, you can add text, stickers and other items to the video.
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