Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun6,2024

We are already here. arrived at half of the new season of Doctor Who, the opportunity to take a tour of the different elements surrounding the mystery at the heart of these new episodes. Be careful though, this article will be full of spoilers.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

After a series of Christmas special episodes which had somewhat divided the the public,the new season of the Doctor has started on the wheel hats. In a few episodes, we discovered a bogeyman made of boogers, a Drag Queen defeated by the talent of the Beatles, a space war of religion triggered by fake news, a pure “horror film” type. Horror Folk » and a dystopian future where space slugs devour influencers. Whether you like Doctor Who, or not, it's difficult to deny that the series is definitely one of a kind.But as is often the case, as different as all these episodes are, they all hide at their heart some elements of a much greater mystery which will end up linking them to each other. the end.As the Doctor himself would say: “There is always a twist to the story. the end…”

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

The Doctor goes skiing

At the moment, the important element surrounding the secret of this season and which is the most obvious, is the snow.< /strong>Snow is present in almost every episode (except in Eye and Bubble Brain). These untimely precipitations seem to come from Ruby, the Doctor's new companion. A priori, the snow is a reminiscence of the night where Ruby has been abandoned in front of a church, as we see in the episodeRuby Road Church. From now on, this very cinematic snowfall seems linked to Ruby’s emotional state.À moments where Ruby is particularly in danger, the snow is starting to get worse. fall, and this,regardless of the place where it is located.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

For example, in the « true » first episode of the season, Space Babies, the snow begins to fall. falling into the corridors of a space station.For the moment, although questioned by the phenomenon, the Doctor considers it above all as a warning, forbidding him from returning with Ruby to the same place. the moment of that fateful night when Ruby was abandoned in the snow. However, it is up to note thatthis snow appears as an impressive powerand a harbinger of much more in the eyes of the villain called «The Maestro» and which is currently presented as one of the most dangerous adversaries faced by the Doctor. À note that the showrunner of the series R.T. Davies promised a “definitive answer” à this subject to the end of the season.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

< h2>Doctor Who vs. the Pantheon

The cruel Toy Maker, who reappearedin the episode which allowed the appearance of the new Doctor (played by Ncuti Gatwa), was played by Ncuti Gatwa. presented not only as particularly powerful but also as doing  part of a new group of enemies about which we do not yet know everything. makes the objective : the Pantheon.The Pantheon is made up of superhuman beings with gigantic power that the Doctor seems to have great difficulty defeating. to face. In the episode The Devil's Accord, we discovered a new member of the Pantheon: The Maestro.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

The Maestro is so powerful that the Doctor was unable to defeat him. defeat him alone.And barely defeated, the Maestro's messenger, a child named Henry Arbinger, immediately reappeared. However, we now know thatHenry Arbinger is not there; that to find a way to make the Maestro reappear.On the other hand, before disappearing,the Maestro announced that a more powerful beingwho, a priori, would be the leader of the Pantheon, would soon return.For the moment, this enigmatic being is called « The one who waits ». We don't yet know who this creature could be, but these new episodes have revealed regularly and to say the least enigmatic new characters.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Doctor Who and the « already seen »

Never has such a small role posed a challenge. as many questions for fans as the enigmatic Mrs. Flood. Mrs. Flood first appeared in the 2023 Christmas special, where she broke the fourth wall by addressing to the camera after revealing the image. that she knew what a TARDIS was. Ruby's neighbor also makes an appearance in the episode 73 Yards. In this episode, she witnesses what is happening but without intervening. Some fans even think they have detected it. innuendoes about Mrs. Flood at the Toy Maker and the Maestro.Is Mrs. Flood part of the much-feared Pantheon? by the Time Lord?And is it even possible that she is not the only one to do so? patiently bide your time?

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Until Currently, actress Susan Twist has appeared in every episode of the new season (as well as the 2023 Christmas specials). that she appears in each episode to date. come. This season we saw her in the distant future (as a crew member aboard the space station in Space Babies and as the “face” of the dangerous robots ambulances from the episodeBOOM. She was also seen serving tea. à London, in 1963, and as a hiker that Ruby meets while she is pursued by an enigmatic female silhouette. The woman also begins to ask questions to the heroes who wonder if they know it before rejecting the idea. It's a bit as if the character benefits from a perception filter similar to that of the character. that of the TARDIS:people see it, but don't really pay attention to it.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Stay to go how can someone with the same face travel abroad? through space and time? And why does he seem to follow Ruby? Is she part of the Pantheon like the Maestro or the Toy Maker? Is she truly “the one who waits”?

During this season,the Doctor very regularly takes stock of who he isand of the long and complex life he led. With a certain melancholy, he evokes those he left behind. behind him and the chaos of his personal and family life. In the episode The Devil's Deal, TheThe Doctor remembers his life in 1963 and his granddaughter with whom he lived for a time in 1963. London. Now, this granddaughter was called Susan; for his part, the enigmatic and recurring character of the season  is played by an actress named Susan Twist and the Doctor said it himself: “There's always a twist to everything. the end…”

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Doctor Who and UNIT

We know it because As the set photos revealed, UNIT will be back by the end of the season. During the episode73 Yards,we learned that from now on, UNIT, in addition to managing extraterrestrial problems and the impact of the Doctor on our world, has two new missions. Indeed, the team managed by Kate Stewart, who is the daughter of one of the Doctor's oldest allies, The Brigadier, is now taking care of the crime scene. help the Doctor's former companions to manage their life after space-time adventures butis now also interested in mysteries linked to the supernatural.

It is possible that this announces that the nature of the Pantheon is not extraterrestrial like this is often the case in episodes of the Doctor, but “ other ». À this title,the episode 73 Yards,in which UNIT makes a brief appearance, is certainly the episode most linked to the genre. supernaturalthat we have seen for a long time.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Once upon a time there was Doctor Who

As we have just seen, the season multiplies the tracks with many recurring elements. Among them, there is a rather strange theme whose meaning still seems difficult to understand. understand: fairy tales. Baby-eating goblins; a real bogeyman, a magical circle (in 73 Yards), an orphan who comes to the aid of children who are themselves separated from their parents (Ruby). A Doctor who now describes himself as an orphan with enigmatic origins. . The elements of fantasy and storytelling are now highlighted in the series.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

In an almost metatextual way,the Doctor himself underlines this strange recurrence without being able to understand its meaning.Is it possible that this season will be a long fairy tale told à through the prism of a mischievous force, similar to the Toy Maker and the Maestro? What if all of the Doctor's new adventures were in reality? in the hands of an omniscient storyteller who has fun like a child make snow fall whenever he wants? Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

Who is the Doctor's new assistant?

Finally, beyond of everything that the new episodes have really shown us and said, it's hard not to think about it. what we know about the filming and the questions that it inevitably raises. In fact, while’a persistent rumor announced the departure of the Doctor’s new companion, Ruby Sunday, at the end of this season, to be replaced by actress Varada Sethu (Andor and Jurassic World 3), this is not the case. In reality, the actress will join in the series at the end of the season and, at the end of the season, From there, the Doctor will simply have two assistants. ” type=”image/webp”>Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

But in a story that seems so intimately linked to Ruby and the Doctor, their respective childhoods, what is a new character doing in this duo? Will Ruby's “origin story” be resolved?Would Varada Sethu be linked in some way to this? the enigmatic silhouette who abandoned Rubyin the snowy night that marks the beginning of her story? What is certain is that it has been too long since the Doctor has stirred up so much. the attention of spectators by offering such an exciting and creative season. so much impatience.

Doctor Who: all the theories about the new season

And if you too are impatient to rediscover the adventures of Doctor Who, you can also discover this little-known story of the most famous English doctor right there.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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