The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exposed two young men aged 16 and 18 who, on the instructions of Russian special services, set fire to two military vehicles in Kyiv. This was reported by the press center of the SBU and the Kyiv police.
The attackers, who recently got a job as couriers, set fire to a multivan and a pickup truck of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were undergoing maintenance after completing combat missions in the Donetsk region. The young men were traveling on a delivery service moped.
SBU employees noted that both suspects were detained almost immediately after the crime was committed. The investigation showed that the young people came to the attention of Russian special services because they were looking for quick money in Telegram channels. Instead, instead of the promised reward, they got into trouble with the law.
The detainees face up to 10 years in prison for engaging in subversive activities.
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