
Fragrant Scheme in Ternopil region: Two scams were cheated on 20 equipment sellers

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1 month ago

Apple has deleted dangerous app from the App Store

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1 month ago

“It's time to speed up.” Macron urged Europe not to miss the revolutions ai

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1 month ago

The United Kingdom requires Apple access to encrypted user data

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1 month ago

Ilon Musk believes that the si and drones are the future of war

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1 month ago

How many jobs can disappear due to the development of AI: a new study

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1 month ago

Sumchanka “insured against fraudsters” for 120 thousand hryvnias

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1 month ago

Google Maps turns 20 years old: how the service has changed navigation in the world and in Ukraine

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1 month ago

Grand Theft Auto VI game release is still scheduled for the fall of 2025-Take-Two

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1 month ago

The Hill: In the US will present a draft law on Deeceek's ban on government devices

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1 month ago