
In Silicon Valley, inequalities are widening, nine billionaires hold 15 times more liquidity than half of the local population

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1 day ago

In Paris, shops close and attendance is at half mast

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1 week ago

The OECD slightly lowers its growth forecasts for the world, and clearly for Germany

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1 week ago

Electric is collapsing, the Northvolt battery manufacturer declares himself bankrupt in Sweden

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2 weeks ago

CMA CGM invests 20 billion for the renaissance of American maritime transport

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2 weeks ago

France: the assembly is working on the return of bistros and cafes in small municipalities

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2 weeks ago

Booklet A, LDDS, LEP: Should we fear a confiscation of our savings ?

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4 weeks ago

The UFC Que Choisir alert on the price increase in upcoming electricity in 2026

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4 weeks ago

SACEM now taxes music broadcast during burials

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4 weeks ago

Egg boxes at $ 19 in the United States

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4 weeks ago