< img src = "/uploads/blogs/96/40/IB-FR0P8Q5HHh_C9316240. < P > The UK government is considering the reduction of the BBC World Wide Services Grant as part < P > BBC CEO Tim Devi said that the corporation is preparing to interact with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the consequences of this decision.
~ < p > & laquo; in the last few days we have been asked to prepare for further interaction with FCDO [Foreign, CommonWealth and Development Office] about the impact of reduction of expenditures on foreign development & He wrote the heads of parliamentary committees on international development, culture and foreign affairs.
< p >He added: & laquo; we will be glad to keep you up to date if it will lead to financial consequences for world service in 2026-27 and in the following years & raquo;.< p > most of the World Service Grant comes from the official assistance budget, and a small part & ndash; from other sources of funding in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
< P > Government Representatives stated that the reduction of the BBC World Services Grant is in consideration but insisted that no final decisions were made. < p > BBC executives fear that the government will take advantage < P > Jonathan Manga, Global Director BBC News, said Financial Times that & laquo; in the face of a sharp reduction more important & raquo;.< P > He added: & laquo; we need a stable, long -term financing solution that will allow the World Services Service to Solution & Rsquo; to focus these global problems and invest in services for the future & raquo; < P > FCDO representatives noted that the BBC financing model should be considered during the future review of the corporation charter.
< P > fcdo stated: & laquo; the government highly values the BBC World Service, which covers a global audience of 320 million people and remains the most reliable international news service in the world & raquo;