< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/91/27/IB-FR6AFTSll_C9316240.jpg" Alt = "Boeing developers will create a revolutionary air defense system with a modular open architecture"/~ 62 < P > The US Army has chosen Boeing for the next stage of the program for creating a new medium -range interceptor within the Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC). The project should strengthen the defense of the troops and important infrastructure against winged missiles, drones, as well as rocket-artillery and mortar attacks.
< P > Boeing proposed a solution with a modular open architecture (Mosa), which allows you to quickly integrate new technologies. According to the company, their version provides greater depth of the ammunition, the higher speed of intercepting goals, expanded range and improved maneuverability. Development relies on experience with PAC-3, Ground-Based Midcourse Defense, Avenger, Harpoon and Slam-Er. < p >The IFPC, started in 2004, fills in the gap between the nearby Shorad radius and strategic & mdash; Patriot and Thaad. Her task & mdash; Protect stationary and semi-stable positions of troops in all conditions. The system will have modular launchers for different types of missiles, integration with Sentinel radar and IBCS command system that allows you to coordinate with other air defense systems. ~ < P > In 2021, the army concluded a contract with Dynetics to develop prototypes of starting plants and missiles worth $ 240 million, and at the end of 2024 & mdash; Contract up to $ 4.1 billion for mass production. The budget for 2025 provides another $ 660 million for program development.< P > now develop three IFPC variants: kinetic interceptor, high -efficient laser (HEL) up to 300 kW on tactical machines and radio frequency fighting system (HPM) to destroy drones. US Army also tests integration with PAC-3 MSE missiles and other promising means of counteracting the latest threats.
< P > According to the military, such systems as NASAMS do not provide sufficient depth of ammunition and efficiency against supersonic winged missiles. Therefore, the army is considering new AIM-20d characteristics, but compact and compact and compatible with the modular IFPC setting.
< p > full -scale tests of new prototypes of interceptors are scheduled for 2026 & minus; 2027. IFPC Increment 2 will become a key element of the updated US air defense system capable of effectively covering troops and strategic objects from a variety of air threats on a modern battlefield. ~ ~