A pleasant surprise was waiting for Beata Tyszkiewicz fans. What ? < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/0f4871/620x0/1/0/2023/08/11/e1cxdjw0hfqygiks Alt = "Beata Tyszkiewicz/YouTube @paula Rodak" Style = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > as it reminds the website “bdquo; goniec & rdquo;, Beata Tyszkiewicz years ago sat on the jury & ampquo; dancing with the stars & rdquo;. We could see her from & oacute; when the dance show was still on TVN and P & oacute; when Polsat took over. And although she was proposed to the jury, she did not decide to do so because of her health. In the last episode of & ampquo; dancing with the stars & rdquo; A nice surprise was waiting for the fan & oacute; in Tyszkiewicz.

< P >< Strong > Beata Tyszkiewicz was one of the beloved jurors

< P > Beata Tyszkiewicz had an impressive internship as a juror & dancing with the stars & rdquo;. She assessed the performances of stars and dancers in the 12th editions of TVN broadcast. Polsat viewers had the opportunity to see her in the 7th seasons.

< p > As she was not a professional dancer of her assessment criteria for R&MP; Oacute; Anyway, it was with Black Mamba that she most often mentioned cut retorts and comments. Even her slip -up with a vulgar word can be evidenced by how colorful the character was.

< P >& AMP; BDQUO; well, no one has ever had my feet on the table in front of me **** Ł. Oh pardon, pardon, pardon! (& Hellip;) Get out, outrage that I am just such things M&P; Oacute; Wiła & ndash; The actress said, assessing the performance of Aneta Zając and Stefano Terrazino, putting her words to dumbfounded Krzysztof Ibisz.

< P > < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/7523a6/620x0/1/0/2022/01/13/qrfmxumsfumqedhyn5raogr7ui1urwdjpsv14q3.png" alt = "beata tyszkiewicz/youtube @weare.pl" loading = "lazy" Style = "background-color: rgba (" >

< P >< Strong > Beata Tyszkiewicz shared the news

< p > After Beata Tyszkiewicz experienced a serious problem & in health, she decided to withdraw from public life. Does not appear at events, does not give an interview & oacute; w. With the greater joy, her supporters accepted a message from Tyszkiewicz, who passed on through Grażyna Szapołowska through Grażyna Szapołowska.

< p > Szapołowska revealed that she talked to Beata Tyszkiewicz and gave her greetings from her. She added that she is loved by the viewer & in the actress & Bdquo; she supports everyone & rdquo; participants of the ongoing edition. Part of the & oacute; b sitting in the audience took these words standing ovations.

< P > < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/9d392e/620x0/1/0/2022/04/26/opf8tbl8g8g8sv7kxnmjnifmc4pzw2jsckzndfyne.png" alt = "beata tyszkiewicz/youtube @polsat box go" loading = "lazy" Style = "background-color: rgba (125,95,78.1)" >

< p > You miss Beata Tyszkiewicz in & dancing with the stars & ?

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116