Categories: Art

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan did not change their words. It is about the beloved place of the actress

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan appealed to the president of Krakow. She did not pick up words. < img src = "" alt = "Barbara Kurdej-Szatan. Source:" Style = "background-color: rgba (155,118,91.1)" > < p > Barbara Kurdej-Szatan decided to share fears with her supporters. In the entry she alerts that her beloved place in Krakow is threatened. As indicated by the portal & ampquo; Pleiades & rdquo;, the actress indicated that the Variete Theater could take place by another Krakow Square & Amp; Oacute; She appealed to the President of Krakow. Meet the detail & oacute;

< P >< Strong > Barbara Kurdej-Szatan is afraid for the future of his beloved place

< p > In the latest post posted on social media, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan Wr & oacute; to the beginnings of & oacute; in his acting career. This began with the State Higher Theater School (currently AST). Kurdej-Szatan reminded that one of her lecturers & Oacute; in was Janusz Szydłowski, TW & Amp; Oacute; RCA Variete Theater. < P >The actress does not hide that the theater can be taken away from its founder. For her herself, it would be a huge blow, as for many & oacute; b, which they loved this place. It turns out that the president of Krakow informed the current director of the Variete Theater, which & oacute; ry recovery that he can stand to the competition to keep his function. < P > & AMP; BDQUO; President of Krakow M & AMP; Oacute; Eg as it is at the STU Theater, where Krzysztof Jasiński is the supervisory director, R & oacute; and in Variete to offer such a solution. Out of respect for a man who created this place that devoted this place to this place almost p & oacute; his life & rdquo; & ndash; wrote Kurdej-Szatan. < P >< Blockquote class = "Instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-Captioned Data-Instgrm-Ppermalink = "" Data-instgrm -version = "12" style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); "> < P >< Strong > Kurdej-Szatan did not bite into the tongue

< P > Barbara Kurdej-Szatan said that President Aleksander Miszalski & AMP; BDQO; completely without respect & RDQO; He informed Janusz Szydłowski about the competition in writing. These were not the only strong words that were said on the part of the actress. She stated that for the Krakow authorities, more important are “bdquo; money & rdquo; than & bdquo; humanity and appreciation &.

< p > not only the President of Krakow was hit, but also the director of the Bagatela Theater, which & Oacute; Ry suggested taking over the Variete Theater. & AMP; BDQUO; Well, ladies, the recruitment — For your information and with all due respect to the talent of the acting band Bagatel & Amp; MDASH; To make a musical, the actor needs not only acting skills, but also vocal and dance skills “& ndash; wrote Kurdej-Szatan. < P > Barbara Kurdej-Szatan emphasized that she hopes that Aleksander Miszalski would not allow the musical scene to take over. < p >< blockquote class = "Instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-Captioned Data-Instgrm-permalink = "" Data-Instgrm -version = "12" style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">
Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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