Time travel, the quantum world, artificial intelligence… Over the years, the MCU has introduced various scientific concepts, sometimes quite difficult to understand. Although the Marvel Universe is not a reflection of reality, and does not seek to be, certain inconsistent details particularly annoy fans. This is the case of this illogicality of Ant-Man that Internet users cannot digest, even 9 years after the release of the film.
ant-man Could This Be the MCU's Wackiest “Science” Movie?
When you introduce a scientific concept to the screen, even in a fantasy fictional universe like the MCU, you have to follow the rules that you've invented yourself. Unfortunately, whether it's older franchises like Terminator or Back to the Future, or more recent ones like Ant-Man, the screenwriters have a hard time creating new ideas. apply the principles of these complex notions that they have decreed to their students. through their characters. This is how 9 years after the release of the first adventures of Scott Lang, interpreted by by the imperishable Paul Rudd (only in Deadpool & Wolverine does he age), one detail, and even several, continue to cause controversy. First of all, it concerns the management of the superhero's mass.
As Reddit user KevinPigaChu points out, the characters' mass was not supposed to change after they shrank. However, the film ignored this rule by making an ant weigh as much as a grown man! And that's not the only inconsistency that's getting fans riled up. In a comment, another commenter points out: “Similarly, “the size of your atoms doesn't change, only the space between the atoms changes,” then Scott shrinks until he's smaller than the atom“; “Also, Hank Pym apparently carries a multi-ton tank in his pocket. And when Ant-Man becomes giant, he doesn't suddenly start floating when he should lose a lot of density to the point of being less dense than air.” Although the saga is one of the most humorous in the MCU, the lack of coherence brought to the scientific notions of the film still annoys the public!
And you, what do you think?