Romania has introduced for trucks with customs goods GPS-plobs

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/a9/0e/ib-fq3srgune_715237c6.jpg" Alt = "Romania introduced for trucks with customs goods GPS-dining"/> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~…

Putin has instructed to block phone calls from Ukraine: allegedly afraid of fraudsters

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/a9/ee/ib-fq417arvj_589372c1.jpg" Alt = "Putin instructed to block phone calls from Ukraine: allegedly afraid of frauds <…

This app constantly “devours” memory on the phone: how to solve the problem quickly

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/de/7d/ib-fq4glndff_fc931624.jpg" Alt = "This app constantly & quot; quot; devours & quot; ~ < p >…

Time magazine placed on Ilona Mask's cover in US President's chair

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/dc/65/ib-fq3999oi72_0df4a499.jpg" Alt = "Time magazine placed on Ilon Mask's cover in the chair of the US…

The media learned that Putin told the security officers before attempting the RheinMetall CEOs

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/0e/2d/ib-FQ394hpl1_316240df.jpg" Alt = "media learned what Putin said to the security officers before the CEOs of…

The DPRK will produce combat drones developed in conjunction with Russia

1 month ago

< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/B5/D2/IB -FQ3G053_A636B2A4.jpg" Alt = "DPRK will produce combat drones developed in conjunction with Russia - NHK"/>…

There is little iPad and MacBook Air left in Apple warehouses

1 month ago

< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/94/99/IB-FQ411Regq_2715237c.jpg" Alt = "in Apple warehouses left little iPad and MacBook Air"/> ~ ~ < p…

In the US may ban Deepeseek and other Chinese SI services

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/5f/8d/ib-fq3ne0nmmc_67aa15d3.jpg" Alt = "in the US may ban Deepeseek and other Chinese SI services"/> ~ ~…

Edge browser will follow your screen to protect against scammers

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/f1/05/IB-1IJGSGSG27G_5237c6fc.jpg" Alt = "Browser Edge will follow your screen to protect from frauds < P >…

The pseudo -agrarian scam: In Berdichev, police are investigating fraud for 240 thousand hryvnias

1 month ago

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/a9/ff/ib-FQ415k6n2_3b8135ed.jpg" Alt = "Affau from Pseudo-Agrarians: In Berdichev police investigate fraud for 240 thousand hryvnias"/~ 62.…