< img src = "/uploads/blogs/5c/17/ib-fqbnsjvgj_5237c6fc.jpg" Alt = "American developers presented an innovative M1147 projectile for M1 Abrams"/> ~ < P > The US Army launched a new production of a new 120mm multi-purpose tank shell M1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) for M1 Abrams tanks. Ammunition will replace four types of available shells: cumulative M830, universal M830A1, M102 Carter and Concrete M908, writes Inform Army.
< p >The new shell is equipped with a programmable detonator with three modes. The shock blast destroys armored vehicles, the delayed mode punches fortified structures, and the air blast creates a fragment < P >< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Wysiwyg/%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%D0%D0%BC/07022025/120MMMMMM830a Webp "ALT =" 120MMMMMM_M830A1_HEAT-MP-T_INTERNAL.JPG.WEBP (22 KB) "WIDTH =" 560 "Height =" 245 " />0 ~ /P > ~ ~ > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < P class = "whitespace-pre-wrap Break-words" > The use of universal ammunition will simplify logistics and & nbsp; nbsp; reduce the number of shells for combat missions. M1 Abrams Crews will be able to respond faster to different threats.< p class = "whitespace-pre-wrap Break-words" > for & nbsp; nbsp; assessment of Army Recognition, M1147 AMP will greatly enhance the firing power of American tank units. High -precision blast and powerful fragile effect will ensure effective destruction of goals at different distances.
< P class = "whitespace-pre-wrap Break-justs" >0 ~ ~ iframe width = “560” “Height =” 314 “src =” //www.youtube.com/embed/onntudroaqi “Alleaqi” “ALLOWFULLSCREN” >
< P class = "whitespace-pre-wrap Break-justs" > Major-General John T. Reim with JPEO A & Amp; a called the launch of serial production M1147 AMP in &
< P class = "whitespace-pre-wrap Break-justs" > New ammunition will be a key element of increasing the combination's combms that retain leadership among modern armored vehicles.