< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/87/85/IB-FR668L_0b98F4E0.jpeg" Alt = "Artificial Intelligence in Kremlin Puppets: The Russian Federation turns chats into its propaganda. < p >< strong >Imagine: you & nbsp; ask your favorite chatbot about the latest events in & nbsp; Ukraine, and & nbsp; he, with & nbsp; nbsp; the appearance of an all-knowing expert, begins to tell you about US secret biolaboratories on & Like & nbsp; President Zelensky banned Donald Trump's social network. Sounds like & nbsp; plot of a bad spy novel ? No, is & nbsp; reality of modern information space, where & nbsp; nbsp; Russian propaganda found a new tool & nbsp; & mdash; artificial intelligence.

< h2 >< strong > network & laquo; truth & raquo;: When the name says itself for & nbsp; nbsp; myself 0 > 62 > 62 > 62 < p > in & nbsp; nbsp; April 2022 & nbsp; year when the world was busy discussing the terrible events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, in & nbsp; nbsp; Its & nbsp; goal ? spread pro -Russian narratives on & nbsp; all over the world, using dozens of languages ​​and & nbsp; covering 49 & nbsp; countries. And & nbsp; all & nbsp; b like nothing but this & nbsp; & laquo; truth & raquo; has little in common with & nbsp; true truth.

< p >Russian propagandists were quite resourceful: they realized that & nbsp; large language models (LLM), on & nbsp; which are based on modern chatbots, you can & laquo; feed & raquo; the necessary information. This process is called & laquo; llm & nbsp; grooming & raquo;. The essence of it is simple: fill the online space with fake news and & nbsp; misinformation so that chatbots, collecting data for their answers, came across & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; & laquo; facts & < h2 >< strng > chatbot on & nbsp; Kremlin service: mission 0 ~/h2 > ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < p >Results not & nbsp; upset. Leading Catbots such as & nbsp; Chatgpt-4, Smart Assistant, Grok, Copilot from Microsoft, Meta AI, Google Gemini and & nbsp; perplexity, began to play misinformation; More, some of the & nbsp; they even quoted specific articles & laquo; truths & raquo; Like & nbsp; sources. It turns out that & nbsp; artificial intelligence, which would have & nbsp; be neutral and & nbsp; OB & rsquo; rectangular, became an involuntary Kremlin propaganda. < H2 >< Strong > When Fake becomes a reality: a danger to society 0 ~/h2 > ~ ~ ~ > 62 ~ < p > this & nbsp; the situation has serious consequences. Users, by trusting chatbots, receive distorted information that & nbsp; influences & nbsp; their views and & nbsp; solution. For example, false statements about US secret biolaboratories in & nbsp; Ukraine or about the prohibition of Truth Social Social Network may form a false idea of ​​the real state of things.

~ ~ < h2 >< strng > how & nbsp; protect artificial intelligence from manipulations ?0 ~/h2 > ~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 < p > The problem of manipulating artificial intelligence requires immediate solution. Mechanisms that will allow you to detect and & nbsp; block misinformation on & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp. In addition, it is important to raise users' awareness of possible risks and & nbsp; teach them & nbsp; critically evaluate the information received.

~ < h2 >< strong > artificial intelligence in & nbsp; a world post 0 ~/h2 > < p > Russian propaganda showed that & nbsp; in & nbsp; post -truth, even artificial intelligence can be a victim of manipulation. This is & nbsp; call for the whole of society: both & nbsp; for technology developers, and & nbsp; for ordinary users. Only joint efforts can protect the information space from fakes and & nbsp; to ensure everyone's right to & nbsp; reliable information.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116