< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/5F/E7/IB-FQJ5IN530_FC931624.jpg" Alt = "Artificial Intelligence from Google in 48 hours Issued a mystery over which scientists worked for 10 years"/> ~ ~ < P Data-Start = "0" "Data-end =" 250 "> The new artificial intelligence tool developed by Google, for & nbsp; 48 hours was able to solve the mystery that microbiologists worked on more than ten years. This discovery surprised the scientific community and & nbsp; showed the potential of the si in & nbsp; fundamental studies.

< P Data-Start = "252" Data-end = "620" >Professor Jose R. Penades from the Imperial College of London, together with the team, studied the mechanisms of Superbacterium resilience to & nbsp; antibiotics. Deciding to protest a new Shi tool, the scientist raised him a key question of his work. The neural network suggested a hypothesis that has completely coincided with & nbsp; the findings of scientists, although their research is not & nbsp; published in open access.

~ ~ ~ > < blockquote > < P Data-Start = "622" Data-End = "961" >0 ~ ~ Strong > Surprised Penadez even addressed & nbsp; Google; Google; or amp; nbsp; nbp; nbsp. Comp & Rsquo; Euther. In & nbsp; companies assured that & nbsp; this & nbsp; impossible. Moreover, did not & nbsp; only reproduced previously obtained conclusions, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; proposed four new theories, one of & nbsp; nbsp; which proved to be so promising < P Data-Start = "963" Data-end = "1284" > The main focus of Penades studies is the transmission of bacterial resistance to & nbsp; antibiotics. Scientists have suggested that & nbsp; bacteria can borrow viruses to transmit resistance between species. This & nbsp; assumptions not & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; no scientific works, but artificial intelligence has reached & nbsp; nbsp; a similar conclusion.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > < P Data-Start = "1286" Data-end = "1555" Data-is-Last-Node = "" Data-is-Oly-Node = "" > on & nbsp; professor, such tools are capable of substantially changing science. Despite the fears that AI can replace human work, Penades does not consider it & nbsp; a threat, but & nbsp; a powerful tool that will help accelerate the process of scientific discoveries and & nbsp; make research much more effective.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116