“Aggression in raising children is unacceptable” — the Zhytomyr Education Department responded to the video on social networks

On February 3, 2025, a video of kindergarten children walking on the street with a teacher appeared on social networks, where a woman can be seen pushing the children. The video reported that the events were recorded in kindergarten No. 58 of the city of Zhytomyr. The Department of Education of the Zhytomyr City Council responded to the video.

The Department of Education of the Zhytomyr City Council responded to these videos. On the evening of February 3, a post regarding the situation in kindergarten No. 58 appeared on his Facebook page. It states that the Department condemns such actions and considers aggression unacceptable in raising children.

“In the morning (February 4 — ed.) a conversation will be held with the teacher. Her actions will also be discussed with the administration and parents. Based on the results of the conversation, an appropriate decision will be made”, — the message says.

The head of the State Education Quality Service in Zhytomyr region, Oleksiy Redko, also reacted to the event. On his Facebook page, he wrote that his department's employees would study the situation.

“Cruel treatment of children in a preschool educational institution is absolutely unacceptable and contradicts both ethical norms and the legislation of Ukraine. We believe that the facts of violence against children should be properly assessed to prevent their recurrence in the future”, — wrote Oleksiy Redko.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116