Krzysztof Jackowski once again shared the vision of the future of Poland and the world with his listeners. < img src = "" Alt = "Krzysztof Jackowski/Screen YouTube" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > This time his prophecy caused an even greater non -& icute; j than before. According to the clairvoyant, the time that has come now, is even worse than Pandemic, and its consequences will be felt for several years. Jackowski even gave a specific date when fate is to change, but before this happens, we will have a difficult period.
< p >< br />During his latest transmission, the clairvoyant is related to the questions about the situation in Poland and Europe. He reminded that in 2020 he announced a difficult time that would last 3.5 years. As expected, this period has already ended, but instead of improvement, something even more disturbing came. < p >< em > & bdquo; worse time will come, much more tragic than Pandemia. Then we were given a plague, now the situation will be much more treacherous. This period will last until October 2027 & & ~ ndash; the clairvoyant said< p > according to him the situation in Poland will become more and more tense, but does not anticipate that the country is directly affected by war.
< p >< em > & bdquo; Poland will be cheated and fenced, but I do not feel that there should be war & ~ & ndash; emphasized. < P >Jackowski added, however, that it would be safer in Hungary and Austria, as his fan & oacute; in caused non -& oacute; j.< p > One of the bravest and most controversial visions of Krzysztof Jackowski concerns the territorial future of Poland. According to him, political and war turmoil may lead to the fact that Poland will lose part of its territory.
< p >< em > & if Poland enters into certain actions, it may turn out that we will lose the lands that nobody will give us & – warns jackowski.< p > In his opinion, it is not about classic military aggression, but about the political process, which & oacute; can lead to the loss of southeastern parts of the area & oacute; in Polish.
< p >< em >& AMP; Bdquo; Poles will leave these lands before they are taken over. This will be related to the war in Ukraine. I had the impression that Ukraine would enter Poland. It will not resettle the refugee & oacute; but something of a political nature & & & amp. m & oacute; in clairvoyant
< p > His words caused a huge stir in the listeners, who began to speculate what events could lead to such a scenario.
< p > In addition to the prophecies about Poland and the world, Jackowski also shared his thoughts on life after death and reincarnation.
< p >< em > & BDQUO; Can our dreams can be a reflection of the previous life ? can. I had many very strange SN & oacute; w. These may be memories of previous incarnations or prophetic dreams & & ndash; He said. < p > clairvoyant admitted that he believes in reincarnation and increasingly gets the impression that the world in which we live, is a form of game. ~ 60 > < p >< em > & BDQO; This is not the way we know it. Learning is not able to fully explain it. I do not want to sound like a freak, but I feel more and more that our reality is more than we think & & amp.; confessed.< P > Prophecies of Krzysztof Jackowski have been arousing great emotions for years. Some believe in his visions, others are skeptical about them. Regardless of the approach you take, one thing is some & Amp; Ndash; His words always cause a wide discussion.
< p > Will we actually await us a few years full of uncertainty and difficult events ? Can Poland really lose part of the territory ? we will wait for the answers, but Jackowski leaves no illusions & ndash; The coming time will be one of the most difficult in history.