No more traditional tray ? < img src = "" alt = "tray/youtube @ks. Prelate Waldermar reverse homilies and sermons" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > TACA is part of every Sunday Mass. As indicated by the portal & goniec & rdquo;, this traditional element of services can soon go to the past. The clergy have a new idea to collect datk & oacute; in the faithful.
< P >< Strong > tray will disappear from the church ?< p > One of the characteristic elements of & oacute; in the Holy Mass is the thread. As reminded of the website, the goniec & rdquo;, the duty of the faithful is “to remedy the needs of the Church to have the means necessary to keep the cult & rdquo;. This is due to the provision of & oacute; in canonical law.
< p > donations submitted by the faithful R & oacute; are and depends on the individual possibilities of the faithful. Although many of the faithful got used to the premium, soon the tray in the form we know may disappear. The priests themselves consider her more and more anachronistic custom and the time of p & oacute; with the times.
< p > changes are forced by the fact that fewer and fewer people use money, deciding on non -disgree transactions & ndash; by card and BLIK.
< P >< img src = "" alt = "tray/youtube @truth - evangelize_pl" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > Strong > new method < P > TACA are to replace the sacrifices. Some clergy decided to take this solution some time ago. As he reminds & ampquo; Goniec & rdquo;, the first in our country in our country, the clergy from the church of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe in Mistrzejowice. < P > & AMP; BDQUO; eventually the priests who decided to introduce the sacrifices & oacute; in, were happy. Over time, they began to encourage the priest & in other parishes. Today you can see that the solution becomes something common. Currently, the donation has been introduced by several hundred church & in all of Poland & rdquo; & ndash; In an interview with TVN 24, Karol Sobczyk, the originator of the introduction of the victimat. < p > in the donation of the faithful can choose not only a way of making a victim, as well as its height. You can choose the amount from 5 to 100 Z, in other from 10 to 100 PLN.< P > < img src = "" alt = "victimat/youtube @tvs Television Sędziszów Małopolski" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (79,82,71.1)" >
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