< img src = "/uploads/blogs/69/11/39/11/IB-FR1Q34TH_AA0888c38.jpg" Alt = "in Ukraine a new FPV-Dron interceptor appeared: what about it is known"/> ~ ~ < p > Russian reconnaissance UAV was removed by an unknown drone that is probably Ukrainian FPV-interceptor, reports Militarnyi.
~ < H2 class = "" > What is known about the new FPV-Dron-interceptor ?0 ~/h2 > < p >< iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/gfifjd0ef9y" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P > < p >
< p > Posted photos and videos recorded & nbsp; a drone with an unusual design:
< Ul > < li > cruciform wing in the feed part & nbsp; and front wing with vertical steering. < l > horizontal and vertical steering are in front, while the rear stabilizers are not controlled. < li > Movement provides a trilopate screw installed in the tail part. < li > Additional items fixed with isostine may contain camera or combat part.
< h2 class = "" > tactics of using a new & nbsp; fpv-aroma
< P > Ukraine actively expands the park of drones-interceptors intended for & nbsp; fight against enemy UAVs.
< p > they can act on two basic principles:
< p > 1. & nbsp; direct clash with explosion & nbsp; & ndash; The simplest option when drone hit the target and detour.
< p > 2. & nbsp; radio & nbsp; & ndash; more complex models that are undermined in close proximity to the target.