Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A long war brings new allies and Ukraine, after all, jokes at night, – thought

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar May23,2024

The long war brings new allies to Ukraine and their traces joke on Pivnoch I, - thought

< strong>«War on the winter» Ukraine's focus is on an expanded number of partners, the search for reliable allies and the further development of strategic alliances. The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO caused a transformation of the geopolitical landscape in the Baltic Sea and Arctic regions. Recently, on the day-to-day flank of NATO and the EU with the emergence of consolidation and collective regional expansion, which operates in the format of the Day of Peace (NB5 — Sweden, Norway iya, Finland, Denmark, Iceland)so and the Northern Baltic Republic (NB8 — Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia),write in your material nickname of the State Organization “Ukraine-Nordic Alliance” and the National Platform for Stability and Zurtability Volodymyr Lupatsiy.

It is also important to note that all regions of the Pivnichno-Baltic Sea region are included in the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) warehouse. ThisEuropean rich national military partnership, created under the lead of Great Britain andDesigned for rapid response expeditionary operations, fully operational since 2018. Varto says that Great Britain itself is the driver of such information, because not only does it seem possible, but it has real possibility — y geopolitical, y financial, y military — be a leader in them. Great Britain itself was the most active promoter of the annexation of Sweden and Finland before NATO, and the Swede gave these countries its safe parasol before their entry into the Alliance. And, what is very important, the setting up to Russia in Foggy Albion is not only cruel, but also steel.

It is important for us to recognize the consolidation potential of the countries, both our natural partners and potential allies on the European continent. Today's Pivnichnye lands and Baltic lands — This is the ongoing integration of the region on the economic map of Europe and the world:

  • The region is ranked as the largest economy in Europe and the 12th largest economy in the world.
  • Close 60 Scandinavian companies included to the Global-2000 list of the largest public companies in the world according to Forbes.
  • The region's population will reach 27 million, GDP — $1.5 trillion USA.
  • The regions of the Pivnichny District are among the top 12 in Europe in terms of GDP per capita, and Norway with $94,660. GDP per capita is more than double the average for the countries of the European Union, which is $44,200.
  • Approximately 5% of the population of the European Union lives in the countries of Eastern Europe, Ale stinks will secure the maximum 10% of the global GDP.< /li>

In addition, according to the World of Statistics, 2023, the fate of the country the format of the Baltic-Baltic Union of Soviet Socialist Republicssat an important place among the powers that provided Ukraine with financial and military assistance :

  1. USA — $67 billion
  2. Great Britain — 10 billion dollars
  3. Nimechchina — 9 billion dollars
  4. Krayni NB8 — 7.66 billion dollars

2023 to the date of contributions from the countries to the format of the Pivnichno-Baltic Seaport exceeding the size of contributions from such great countries as Japan — $5.6 billion, Canada — 5 billion dollars, Poland — $4 billion, Netherlands — $3.5 billion

Today's disputes between Ukraine and the Baltic countries are flaring up in three key areas: 1) signing of safe lands between Ukraine and neighboring countries NB 8; 2) praise and implementation by the NB8 countries of long-term programs to support Ukraine; 3) supporting the resilience of Ukraine and its European integration efforts.

  1. Bezpekovі land

The regions of Eastern Europe and the Baltics warmly welcomed the Joint Declaration on supporting Ukraine on the 12th of July 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “Group of Seven” Declaration), which they praised seven” (G7) and EU in the fields of NATO itself near Vilnius.

Today, safe lands have already been signed between Ukraine, Denmark, Finland and Latvia. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has indicated that in the coming months Ukraine may sign bilateral security agreements with Norway and Sweden, as well as another Baltic region (obviously, Estonia єyu). That time Kiev, it is a great pity, and still did not dare to provide food for the recognition of the burdensome Ambassador of Ukraine to Norway.

Ukraine is committed to achieving the synergistic effect from the implementation of safe deposits from NB8 countries. In this context, it is important:

First, develop regular strategic dialogue between the NB8 countries and Ukraine to enhance defense, resilience, and reforms in the country before membership in the EU.

In a different way, Ukraine and the NB8 countries can be allies in a certain range of military-political threats that the Russian Federation creates for the European security system and the whole world.

Thirdly, the NB8 countries can be ours partners and allies in the interpretation of the political goals of the Russian-Ukrainian war and formats are completed with a view to the interests and prospects for renewed security on the European continent and in the Eurasian region.

>On a quarter, the combination of Ukraine with the NB8 countries can radically influence the effectiveness of economic sanctions of the Russian Federation. Today's shadow fleet of Russia creates the threat of an environmental disaster in the Baltic Sea, through which the Russian Federation exported up to 50% of crude oil. It is too early for the Russian Federation to act in the Baltic Sea, which threatens the security of the country NB8, and will deny adequate collective support.

Po-p’yateIt is important for Ukraine that the concept of updating the territorial integrity of Ukraine is included in the new vision and strategy for European security. And also, it is important that the NB8 countries, both from Great Britain and from other European countries, encourage progress on those thatthe path to renewed European security lies through the military failure of the Russian Federation on the territory ї Ukraine.

Shosta, safely, the strengthening of the defense of Ukraine, the development of the Ukrainian defense industry and the extensive production of armor, the strengthening of technological advances of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on land, in the world and at sea (given by pilots from Denmark, Norway In Sweden, the production of artillery ammunition and other equipment through fusion with the production of ammunition in Sweden Sweden and Finland, maritime coalition — Norway, Denmark).

It is important for Ukraine to reject the consolidated position of the NB8 region from the nutritional support of the Ukrainian formula to the world, received by China that “country of Pivdnya” before participating in the global world, which can be expected from Switzerland in the future.

  1. Long-term assistance programs for Ukraine

< p>In parallel with the landless lands of the NB8 region, long-term lands will be sold, directly on the economic renewal of Ukraine. In addition, the five-year support program for Ukraine was praised by Norway for 2023 in the amount of 75 billion Norwegian crowns (maybe 7 billion euros). In the beginning of 2023, Denmark also created the Ukrainian Fund, directing long-term assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 8.5 billion euros with an equal distribution of funds over six years (2023–2028). The strategy of modernization in the sphere of future reforms in Ukraine for 2023–2027 was presented by the government of Sweden. Finland and the Baltic countries are preparing similar long-term support programs for Ukraine.

For Ukraine, a package of long-term support programs on the side of the countries NB8 — It’s not a chance to be a chance to vіtnovita is Zroinovanov, and there is a can of the hikiyi stature on the gentry of the nationwide, the Ukrainian Yekoniki. The interests and needs of businesses that represent the regions of the Baltic Sea are given more importance.

In another wayUkraine may rely not only on the program of sovereign assistance, but onbringing to Ukraine transnational companies (TNCs) from the territories of the Baltic region. European TNCs have modern technological solutions, effective business models and provide access to capital markets. Natomist Ukraine — This is an opportunity for leading Nordic companies to scale up energy-saving projects. Zokrema Ukraine can establish partnerships with corporations from the NB8 region in the field of industrial cooperation, the territory for the development of industrial parks and transport and logistics infrastructure along the Pivden line івніч.

On the third, please Together with Denmark and Mikolayev, they have created a successful case that lays a path for the introduction in Ukraine of a decentralized model of economic renewal. Accordingly, the programs of Ukraine and NB8 countries will be focused on the development of autonomous electricity generation, modular boilers and diversified water supply systems.

  1. Support European integration and stability of Ukraine

The NB8 countries will encourage the integration of Ukraine into the European Union for the sake of its upcoming membership in the EU, which has been fixed in the priorities for 2024 and beyond. Nevypadkovo Sweden, under the hour, the head-shaking in NB8 initiated the creation of the High Level Advisory Group, so that we can provide expert support to Ukraine in the process of accession to the EU.

The key dilemma that Ukraine can develop in partnership with the Advisory Group: how to speed up European integration at the moment do not jeopardize the national stability of Ukraine In the hour of war, what is worrying?

From the point of view of security, Ukraine’s accession to the European defense partnership and the transformation of the military-industrial complex into a driver of economical and technological renewal of the country are urgent.

From the point of view of stability, important for Ukraine is the evidence of the NB8 countries in the supply of national resilience and civil defense systems.

The expertise of the NB8 countries can provide Ukraine with assistance in nutrition and the formation of a national ecosystem of social and management innovations.

Further development of the “Pivnichny Vimir” foreign policy of Ukraine — This is the search for the way of transition to a format expanded and rich world spіvrobіtnitstvabetween Ukraine and the regional regions of the Baltic-Baltic region (NB8+Ukraine).

In front of the nutrition of Ukraine and the region Baltic countries need to include up to official priorities of Ukraine's current policy .

Formation of a conceptual and pitch-free vimir of the “pivnichny vector” Foreign policies can be developed under the patronage of the RNBO and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the OP of Ukraine.

The presence of political will in this regard makes it possible to launch inter-ranking consultations prior to the preparation and signing ofthe strategic cooperation between Ukraine and NB8. At the same time, the developments of the suppressed coronavirus are being transmitted to the Kiev representative office of NB8 and the establishment of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine—NB8.

Coordinate the activities of the interdepartmental department for the sake of coronavirus The matter can be prime minister or vice-president from the nourishment of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. And the idea of ​​awakening the Interparliamentary Assembly of Ukraine and the region of the Baltic-Baltic Union can be protested by the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Zerzhtoj shorichny political dialogue of high importance The participation of political activists in NB8 and Ukraine may become more inclusive. The dialogue platform may be open to representatives of business, scientific institutions and analytical centers, local self-government bodies, representatives of the community, the cultural sector and creative industries.

: Nina Petrovich

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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