Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Sleep apnea causes memory problems

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Mar12,2024

Sleep apnea could cause problems with sleep.

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Men are eight times more likely to have sleep apnea.< /p>The Canadian Press

Sleep apnea could cause memory or reasoning problems, confirms a survey of some 4,300 people.

< p class="StyledBodyHtmlParagraph-sc-48221190-4 hnvfyV">American researchers asked participants about the quality of their sleep, their memory and the functioning of their brain.

About a quarter of those surveyed reported symptoms associated with sleep apnea. A third of these reported problems with memory or reasoning, compared to 20% of participants without sleep apnea.

This suggests what we already knew, reacted Doctor Caroline Minville, of the University Institute of Cardiology and Pneumology of Quebec. There have already been several studies that have looked at this. It is clear that most patients who have sleep apnea will have problems initially, especially middle-aged patients, with problems with attention and cognition rather than short memory. term.

The scientific literature is less clear for long-term memory problems, such as those associated with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, she added, since there are no good long-term studies that would have been carried out on young patients, suffering from untreated sleep apnea, who would have been followed for years to see if there is an impact on their risk of dementia. p>LoadingQuebec budget: the deficit explodes, the return to balance postponed to 2029-2030

ELSEWHERE ON INFO: Quebec budget: the deficit explodes, the return to balance postponed to 2029-2030Loading in progressQuebec budget: the deficit explodes, the return to balance postponed to 2029-2030

ELSE ON INFO: Quebec budget: the deficit explodes, the return to balance postponed to 2029-2030

However, we know that patients with both sleep apnea and Alzheimer's, and whose sleep apnea is treated, see a benefit in their memory, their cognition, and so on, recalled Dr. Minville. sleep is probably associated with more dementia problems, but the data on this subject are a little more variable in the literature.

A quote from Caroline Minville, University Institute of Cardiology and Pneumology of Quebec

A study like the one carried out by the American researchers, with all the limitations inherent in self-reported data like those they used, has at least the merit of reminding us that good quality sleep makes part of a healthy lifestyle, said Dr. Minville, and that it seems to contribute to good memory and good cognitive function.

Sleep apnea is clearly a condition that can contribute to poorer memory, poorer concentration and drowsiness, she said. There are still many patients who suffer from sleep apnea and who are not diagnosed, even though there is more and more screening and awareness.

Memory and concentration problems can have several causes, but people who experience them would do well to explore the possibility of sleep apnea with their family doctor, believes Dr. Minville, especially that treatments have greatly improved in recent years.

Treatment, she added, will not only improve factors like productivity at work, but also bring benefits such as a reduction in cardiovascular risks or depression.

There are several patients for whom it will really improve the quality of life, she noted.

The findings of this study have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal . They should be revealed next month at a meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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