For years I was his shadow. < img src = "" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (106,104,99,1)" > < p > His support, his confidant, a woman who waited when he returned when he returned p & oacute; źno, who & oacute; rad to held him spirits when he doubted, if he succeeded.

< p > I was with him when he had nothing.

< p > And now that he has everything, I stopped fiting to his life.

< p > stood opposite me, in his new, expensive suit, which & oacute; we would never be able to afford.

< p > — We must talk.

< p > I knew.

< p > I felt it for a long time.

< P >The coldness in his voice, distance, lack of time, which & oacute; was not suddenly no longer the result of work, but rather a cool calculation.

< p > — You are not the same woman who married oacute; < p > my heart shuddered.

< p > — And you are the same man ?

< p > silent.

< p > I remember him when he returned home after unsuccessful meetings.

< p > when m & oacute; wił:

< p > — I don't know if I will succeed.

< p > and I m & oacute; I saw:

< p > — It will succeed. You are the best.

< p > I remember how I made sure that he had a sup; ju, to develop M & Amp; Oacute; when I took everything else.

< p > house.

< p > children.

< p > his dreams.

< p > and now I didn't fit them anymore.

< p > — I am at a different stage.

< p > It was the worst opinion that I could hear.

< p > no: I don't love you anymore.

< p > no: I met someone else.

< p > but this.

< P > & AMP; BDQO; I am at a different stage. < p > A I ?

< p > I got stuck in the stage where & oacute; I helped him to get there.

< p > — So now, when you have money, contacts, success, I only pull you in d & oacute; ł ?

< p > did not answer.

< p > did not have to.

< p > I saw it in his eyes.

< p > packed his things quickly.

< p > too fast.

< p > as if he knew that this moment would come.

< p > as if he prepared for it.

< p > A I ?

< p > I was still stuck at the moment when & oacute; he was everything I had.

< p > and he was already somewhere further.

< p > When the door closed behind him, I stood in silence for a long time.

< p > I had only one question in my head.

< p > who I am without him ?

< p > and then, for the first time in years, I thought:

< p > it's time to find out.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116