Barbara Kurdej-Szatan talks about marriage and combining work with childcare. < img src = "" alt = "Barbara Kurdej-Szatan/YouTube @world of stars" styles = "background-color: rgba (66,63,67.1)" > < p > as it reminds the portal & Super Express & Amp; Rdquo;, after changes at the tops of power on TVP, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan ceased to be at Woronicza Persona Non Grata. The actress does not complain about the lack of work. As the journal indicates, as if that was not enough, all the household duties fell on Kurdej-Satan. Everything after her husband accepted the role of Jesus at the Musical Theater in Toruń. & AMP; BDQUO; we see each other from the holidays & rdquo; & ndash; the actress betrayed.
< P >< Strong > Basia Kurdej-Szatan honestly about the family < P >Barbara Kurdej-Szatan Family is very important to her. In an interview with the journal, she emphasized that she is “a real lucky”, because she has a “bdquo; supporting her husband & and her children, and her children are” aMP; BDQO; the meaning of life ” satisfaction. < p > & ampquo; reconciling work with family life is never easy, detail & oacute; now when I see Rafał from holidays. Currently, I embrace many things myself, because from mid -January he is more often in Toruń, where she prepares for the April premiere of the spectacle & ampquo; Jesus Christ Superstar & Amp; Rdquo; and in Bialystok, in which & oacute; will appear in the musical & vesper & rdquo;, about the life of Krystyna Skarbek & rdquo; & ndash; the actress betrayed. < P >Kurdej-Satan that her graphic designer is bursting at the seams. The actress in an interview with & ampquo; Super Express & rdquo; She revealed that he plays in 10 performances, and she works on the set of the film & gingerbread heart & rdquo; and the TVP series & BDquo; I will come back soon. Added to this are photos to & ampquo; wonderful years & rdquo; & ndash; a game show, who runs the Kurdej-Szatan on Polish Television. The actress also does not complain about the lack of classes at home. < p >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink = "" Data-Instgrm -version = "12" style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); "> < P >< Strong > Kurdej-Szatan barts nights< p > In the interview, the actress revealed that at home and at work she did not complain about the lack of boredom. She made the aircraft wings for the first in the morning, because it was for the aircraft Son Satan & Amp; Oacute; W wanted to change.
< p > & ampquo; I try to ensure that all my occupations complement and not exclude each other. Much depends on good organization, which fortunately I don't have a major problem & rdquo; & ndash; provided the actress. < P >< Blockquote class = "Instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-Captioned Data-Instgrm-Ppermalink = "" Data-instgrm-version = "12" Style = "Style =" Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); "> < p > surprised ?