< img src = "/uploads/blogs/37/48/IB-FR32qcai1_9439d8e5.jpeg" Alt = "A horrible result. It became known why Apple displaced the output < p > Apple found that the intelligent Siri technology developed it does not work properly in a third of cases.
< p >Robbie Walker, who is Senior Director of Apple, recently held a meeting for Siri, during which the employees told that the decision to postpone the launch of a voice assistant with artificial intelligence was made due to serious quality problems. According to Bloomberg, citing sources, Walker reported that technology works properly only from two -thirds to 80% of the time, that is, it does not work every third time. Walker said the command & laquo; can make more progress to increase these interest so that users get what they can really count on & raquo;.
~ < p > Walker also criticized the decision to publicly advertise the technology to & nbsp; how & nbsp; it was ready because it is & nbsp; only worsened. Delays became especially terrible because of a public demonstration of functions, he is sure.
< p dir = "ltr" > it is reported that & nbsp; when Apple demonstrated Siri's features with a si on & nbsp; wwdc for & nbsp; nbsp; nbp; Walker is outraged that the Apple marketing communications department wanted to promote improvements and opportunities that were not really included in & nbsp; a series of marketing campaigns and television commercials. He also expressed doubts about the correctness of current expectations to date the release of a reasonable Siri. Although Apple seeks to get it up to & nbsp; release of the next iOS, this & nbsp; not & nbsp; means that & nbsp; this & nbsp; < p dir = "ltr" > & laquo; customers expect not only these new functions, but also & nbsp; want more complete Siri. We & nbsp; we are going to send these and other features as they are ready & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said.