< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/96/11/21/IB-FR2BDG3CA_A499EA2A.jpg" Alt = "Man poisoned by fly agaric, which he ordered online for" treatment ""/> ~ ~ ~ < P >< Strong > In Vinnytsia, a man was poisoned by fly agaric, which he ordered online for & ldquo; treatment & RDQUO;. In total, two cases of poisoning with wild mushrooms & mdash; three adults were injured.
< P > March 18 informs Vinnytsia Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
< P > As reported by the doctor of the department of epidemiological supervision (observation) and prevention of non -infectious diseases of the Vinnytsia Center Svetlana Savich, after the onset of the first symptoms of poisoning the victims were sought for medical care in a timely manner and, fortunately. < blockquote > < p >At the end of February, intensive care was brought to the intensive care unit of the Mogilev-Podilsky District Hospital. It was very weakened and even had hallucinations. During the anamnesis, doctors found that the man used a poisonous mushroom & ndash; dried fly agaric. And the most interesting thing was that he did it, as he said, for medicinal purposes. He ordered dried fly agaric through the Internet, & ndash; Svetlana Savich tells. & nbsp;< p > According to her, the second case of poisoning also occurred in Mogilev-Podilskyi district. & Amp; nbsp;
< blockquote > < p > The husband and wife got to the hospital after dinner with & Rsquo; ate canned mushrooms of their own cooking. Patients were in a state of moderate, they received assistance in a timely manner, and on the third day they were discharged from the hospital. They collected mushrooms in the fall of 2024 near their village. The victims say the mushrooms were like whey, & mdash; informs Svetlana Savich.
< p >It is noteworthy that last year the Mogilev-Podilskyi district kept the sad & laquo; leadership & raquo; in mushroom poisoning in Vinnytsia region.
< h2 > Be careful
< p > Doctors emphasize that the effects of poisoning depend not only on the type of mushroom, but on the age of the person and its health and amp; Rsquo; I. Such poisoning is especially difficult to tolerate. Therefore, experts recommend that children do not give any mushrooms at all. They are also contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas.
< p > one of the main causes of poisoning & ndash; Similarity of poisonous mushrooms with some edible.
< p > in Ukraine there are more than 100 species of poisonous mushrooms, of which 20-25 species are considered very dangerous.
< p >Information on the edible of certain types of mushrooms is very controversial. In Western Europe, forest mushrooms are not eaten at all, but only mushrooms, specially grown in closed soil, consume. Therefore, mushroom poisoning in Europe is practically not.
< p > But poisoning can be caused even by edible mushrooms. This usually happens when you use grown mushrooms for eating or the recommended processing technology is disturbed: for example, mushrooms are salted without pre -cooking or long -term soaking.
< P > In case of suspected mushroom poisoning (stomach pain, severe headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting, saliva, lacrimation, fainting), it is necessary to call a doctor immediately. Prior to its arrival, the stomach should be washed with 4-5 cups of salted water. Do not eat, and even more so & ndash; drink alcohol as it can speed up the absorption of poison in the intestine.
< p > Be careful and careful when picking mushrooms! Pam & rsquo; felt, no way of technological processing eliminates toxicity of poisonous mushroom.
< p > but not yet order unknown products of dubious origin through the Internet, especially & ndash; medicines or any substances you plan to use for treatment.
< blockquote > < P > Supervam & Rsquo; Father: The medicine should only be prescribed by a doctor, and you need to buy drugs in a prescription pharmacy. Each drug in the pharmacy should have a supporting documentation that confirms its quality and safety, & ndash; Svetlana Savich warns.