< img src = "/uploads/blogs/86/82/IB-FR2L6TAIAI_C6FC9316.jpg" Alt = "in France made a power plant underwater: what is the project"/> ~ ~ < p >
< P _ngcontent-serverApp-C86 = & ndash; NH1. It was developed by Normandie Hydroliennes.
< p >< P > In this way, France invests in tidal energy. About it writes & nbsp; 24 channel & nbsp; with reference to & nbsp; company.
< p >
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > What is this for a project
< p >The project involves the installation of four powerful tidal turbines in the Alder Rice. AR3000 turbines, developed by Proteus Marine Renewables, will be able to produce 34 gigawatts of electricity every year, providing power supply for 15,000 houses.
< H2 Class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > EU Financing and Support < P > NH1 received 31.3 million euros from the EU Innovation Fund and became part of the Zero-Net program, which supports the 85 most promising environmental projects. By 2030, it is expected that the cost of tidal energy will be comparable to floating wind stations.< p > Environmental benefits:
< Ul > < li > minimum impact on marine environment;
< li > No noise and visual pollution;
< li > 100% predictable energy source.
< p > Economic effect
< Ul > < li > Turbin production occurs in France;
< li > 80% of components supply local companies;
< li > Creating 400 new jobs;
< li > by 2030 Development of tidal energy can provide 6000 jobs.
< H2 class = "News-Subtitle cke-markUp" > Tidal Energy & ndash; The future of Europe is
< P > NH1 is an important step in France to energy independence and decarbonization. Investment in this technology can make the tidal energy a key addition to wind and solar stations.
< p > Project confirms that renewable energy becomes not only ecological but also economically beneficial.