Parsley is an irreplaceable herb in the kitchen, adding taste to many dishes. < img src = "" alt = "parsley @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (69,145,39.0.53)" > < p > its cultivation seems simple, but the wrong conditions can make the plant flabby, poorly growing or deprived of aroma. So where to plant parsley to enjoy lush greenery and intense taste ?

< p >< strong > parsley does not like extreme conditions & w & ndash; how to find the perfect place for her ?

< P >< Strong > 1. Avoid excess sun and shadow < /strong >< br />< br />Parsley grows best in slightly shaded places, where the sun reaches only throughout the day. In full sun, the plant can become dry and flaccid, and its leaves can lose an intense color.

< p > In turn, too dark places R & oacute; do not serve it & ndash; Lack of light makes it grow slower, and the leaves are pale and less aromatic. The best location is p & oacute; łacie, where the sun operates in the morning or in the afternoon.

< P >< Strong > 2. Do not cut parsley in wetlands < /Strong >< br />< br /> parsley hates excess moisture! The accumulating water can lead to rotting roots and the development of mushroom osacute; Therefore, avoid low -located & oacute; in and places where moisture stays after rain for a long time.

< P > A better solution are elevated flower beds, which & re; re provide good drainage and prevent excessive water stopping.

< P >< Strong >How to prepare the soil for parsley cultivation ?< br />< /Strong >< Br /> parsley develops best in light, fertile and permeable soil. A heavy, clay ground causes her roots to develop. To improve soil quality:

< ul > < li > Add compost or sand & ndash; they will relax the ground and provide the ingredient & oacute; in nutritional.

< li > Avoid fresh manure and intensive fertilization & ndash; Too much ingredient & oacute; in minerals can weaken the taste of parsley.

Enrich the soil with composted sawdust or PR & oacute; chnica to maintain adequate moisture and aeration of the soil.

< P >< Strong > neighborhood is important & ndash; Next to what plants it is worth planting parsley ?

< p >< br />Not every plant will be a good neighbor for parsley. Some & re; vegetables and herbs can compete with it for water and nutrients.

< P >< Strong > What to avoid ?< br/>

< ul > < li > carrots, dill, cumin & ndash; have similar requirements and can compete for a place in the soil.

< li > onion plants & ndash; may limit parsley growth.

< P >< Strong > What is worth planting parsley ?

< ul > < li > strawberries & ndash; improve the taste of parsley.

< li > peppers, tomatoes and os & oacute; ndash; They have a positive effect on plant growth.

< li > lettuce and peas & ndash; help to keep the & oacute; lodge in the soil and protect against pests.

< p >< strong > watering and care & ndash; Key to success < br/>

< ul > < li > water regularly but moderately. The soil should be constantly moist, but not soaked.

< li > Remove weeds, which can limit parsley divorces. < li > < li > cut the lower leaves to stimulate the plant to grow. < li >

< P >< Strong > how to provide parsley ideal conditions ?

< ul > < li > suck her in p & icute; łcień & ndash; you avoid drying and pallor of leaves.

< li > take care of the light, permeable soil & ndash; Enrich it with compost and sand.

< li > do not overdo it with fertilizers & ndash; Intensive fertilization can weaken the taste of the plant.

< li > choose the right neighborhood & ndash; Avoid carrots and dill, and put on strawberries and tomatoes.

< li > regularly water, but do not overdo it with moisture & ndash; you will avoid root rot.

< p > Thanks to this indicate, your parsley will be healthy, lush and extremely aromatic!

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116