The doorbell rang exactly at 18:00. < img src = "" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (152,146,137.1)" > < p > I knew that this moment would come.
< p > but I didn't think he would hurt so much.
< p > m & oacute; Jers opened the door. < p > followed by Dw & Amp; Oacute; Jka children. < p > his children.< p > and now & hellip; were to become my responsibility.
< p > my husband's ex -wife died in the case two weeks ago.< p > car & oacute; d slipped, roofing, death on the spot.
< p > sudden. Brutal.
< p > children were alone.< p > and the court decided that their father should take care of them.
< p > whether it was just ?
< p > yes
< p > did I want that ?
< p > no.
< p > I looked at them as they stood in the doorstep.
< p > The girl was maybe eight years old, boy ten.
< P >Their eyes were empty, as if their whole world collapsed in an instant.
< p > and probably it was.
< p > but it wasn't my fault. < p > I wasn't their mother. < p > I did not ask for this responsibility.< p > — Well, go in — M & oacute; Jer, and artificial joy sounded in his voice.
< p > children have taken a few uncertain step & oacute; w.< p > their suitcases blurred traces on the floor.
< p > I didn't move. < p > I could not.< p > because I felt I couldn't do it.
< p > in the evening I sat on the couch, clenching my fists.
< p > — I don't want this & mdash; I said quietly.< p > m & oacute; Je husband looked at me with tired eyes.
< p > — They are my children. I had no choice.
< p > — But I had! < p > did not understand.< p > did not understand that I was not ready to become a mother for someone who does not even want me.
< p > because the children looked at me as if they knew that I did not want them in this house. < p > and it hurt. < p > but even more the thought that I would have to pretend it was different. < p > The first night was the most difficult. < p > The girl cried in the room for a long time.< p > I heard her quiet sobbing.
< p > The boy stared at the ceiling, not m & oacute; not a word.
< p > m & oacute; Jer, entered their room, pr & oacute; blessing them.
< p > and I was lying in our bedroom and wondered if I would ever feel good in this house.
< p > because I knew one. < p > It will never be our home again. < p > Now it was them.< p > and I was alien to it.