< img src = "/uploads/blogs/ab/a2/ib-f-fqvaudd3b_316240df.jpg" Alt = "American developers integrated Flying Ninja rocket into MQ-9 Reaper"/~ 62 < P > The United States for the first time published a video of the use of Flying Ninja rockets designed for spot liquidations with minimal side destruction. A high -precision blow was applied on February 23, 2025 in Syria on Muhammad Yusuf Zia Talai & mdash; high-ranking terrorist group & laquo; Hurras Ad-Din & raquo; ryquo; rsquo; rsquo; laquo; al-quaida & raquo;.
The shot was made with the MQ-9 Reaper drone. As can be seen from the released materials, the explosion was not & mdash; The nature of the damage corresponds to the use of the R-9X missile, which instead of an explosive has six long sliding blades. They are revealed before being hit, providing target damage exclusively with kinetic energy and mechanical cutting.
< P > developed on the basis of the Hellfire family, this rocket was armed with the United States in 2017 and was first recorded in combat use in 2019. It is designed to eliminate individual goals in light -armed cars and buildings without causing significant damage to surrounding objects.
< p > R-9x has a weight of about 49 kg, a length of 1.6 meters and a diameter of 180 mm. Its guidance is carried out by inertial navigation and laser illumination. The rocket can be launched from helicopters, drones and ground installations compatible with Hellfire.
< P > Despite the accuracy and low risk of side victims, the use of R-9x causes discussions about the legal and tactical aspects of its use. In the US, this case may indicate a change in approaches to public coverage