– Mom, please … This is absurd. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/e86ca0/620x0/1/0/2024/11/21/mc2bjarkt6w5n82hlwm8mmzpx2tfgo1xok7maz6b.jpg" alt = "old lady @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (193,169,135,1)" > < p > I stood in the middle of the living room, looking at a woman who raised me

< p > throughout her life was reasonable. Responsible. She always said that the most important are values, family, stability.

< p > and now she wanted to get married.

< p > at the age of 65.

< p > — Honey, I don't understand why you react so — she said calmly.

< p > — Because it's nonsense! & Amp; MDASH; I broke free.

< p > — Why ?

< p > I didn't know how to answer.

< p > because could I tell her that she was not ?

< p > that people of her age should think about grandchildren, about a peaceful life, not about weddings and romantic elation ?

< p > — Mom, you are 65 years old & hellip;

< p > — And this means that I should be alone for the rest of my life ?

< p > I looked at her.

< p > she was happy.

< p > I saw the same light on her face, which I saw when I was a child.

< p > but was it enough to forget about everything else ?

< p > — And on ? — I asked coldly. & Amp; MDASH; Who he actually is ?

< P >& Amp; MDASH; His name is Marek. I met him in the sanatorium. Is a wonderful man.

< p > — How long do you know ?

< p > — Four months.

< p > I snorted.

< p > — Four months ? and already wedding ?

< p > — When you know it's the right person, you don't have to wait for years.

< p > — Or maybe he just wants your money ?!

< p > fell silent.

< p > for a moment I saw b & oacute; l in her eyes.

< p > but then it straightened.

< p > — I thought you would be happy, that I had someone.

< p > — You thought I would be happy, that a random person could cheat you ?!

< p > did not understand me.

< p > and I didn't understand her.

< p > was an adult.

< p > she could do what she wanted.

< p > but did I really want to look at something that can break her ?

< p > Did I want to risk that this man would disappear after a few months, leaving her with his heart in pieces ?

< p > Should I allow her to such recklessness ?

< p > — I will not let you — I said sharply.

< p > Mother looked at me.

< p > — You have no right to forbid me.

< p > — It will end badly!

< p > — And if not ?

< p > I fell silent.

< p > I saw that I would not convince her with any arguments.

< p > A if she was right ?

< p > And if she really found love ?

< p > Did I have the right to take her this chance ?

A few months p & oacute; I sat at her wedding.

< p > I watched him smile, how he holds his hand.

< p > and suddenly something came to me that I didn't want to see earlier.

< p > she lived again.

< p > and maybe I was wrong ?

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116