Krystyna Loska is a real icon of Polish television, whose professionalism and unusual charisma on the screen delighted viewers for decades. < img src = "" Alt = "Grażyna Torbicka, Krystyna Loska/Screen YouTube" styles = "background-color: rgba (133,122,148.0.87)" > < p > today, at the age of 87, significantly reduced its media activity and focused on a peaceful life away from the headlight & oacute; w. For some time he has lived with C & Amp; Oacute; Rka, Grażyna Torbicka, who provided her with the best conditions and careful care.

< p > Krystyna Loska for years was one of the most recognizable voice & oacute; on Polish Television. Always elegant, impeccably prepared and full of warmth, she conducted the most important cultural events and festivals for decades. After the end of her career, she began to struggle with health problems, which & oacute; reed that she had to slow down the tempo.

< P >The first serious problems appeared in 1997 when she was hospitalized. The media speculated in & oacute; that she had a heart attack, but the truth was a bit different. As the presenter herself explained, she was diagnosed with a team of & a rare disease that is manifested by a strong b & oacute; lem in the chest, often confused with a heart attack.

< p > & ndash; You have to be able to live with this disease. I am doing great. It is known that you have to save yourself, but the innate weather of the Spirit helps me with this & ndash; M & oacute; in one of the interviews & oacute; w.

< p > although Krystyna Loska has always been an independent woman, she decided to live with C & Amp; Oacute; Rka and her husband, Adam Torbicki. It was not an easy decision, because the presenter resisted for a long time before moving, valuing her privacy and independence.

< P >For the first time she lived with Grażyna Torbicka during a pandemic, when the world situation required a detailed caution. After some time, Wr & Amp; Oacute; Ciła to her apartment, but ultimately she decided to permanently move to the house of C & Amp; Oacute; Rki in Otwock.

< p > Grażyna Torbicka in one of the interviews & oacute; in revealed that although they live under one roof, each of them values ​​her independence.

< p > & ndash; We even go to the kitchen separately. First one does its job, then the other. Even if we do not get along, it is very kr & tko & ndash; confessed to Torbicka.

< p > House in Otwock, where the family lives, is a unique place, surrounded by greenery and away from the hustle and bustle. Grażyna and Adam Torbicki made sure that their house was adapted to her mother's needs. Krystyna Loska can rest there in comfortable conditions, while having the support of C & Amp; Oacute; Rki and son -in -law.

< p > Krystyna Loska, despite the advanced age, still impresses with the serenity and optimism. She did not completely close to the world & ndash; He is still interested in what is happening in the media and is happy to talk about old days. Although she avoids public speeches, her legendary career remains an inspiration for many generations.

< p > The life of Krystyna Loska is any & oacute; d that the real star shines not only on the screen, but Ra & oacute; beyond him & ndash; Thanks to your personality, professionalism and an extraordinary approach to life.

< ul > < li >< br />< Strong > see, as we wrote about in recent days: hairstyles, which & oacute; rewinds after the age of 50. Time to change if you want to look younger

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116