My husband died suddenly. < img src = "" alt = "funeral @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (57,63,35.1)" > < p > accident. One moment, one bad intersection, one blow that took him forever.
< p > I was alone.
< p > without his touch, without his voice, without life, which we built together.
< p > I did not know how to breathe, how to function in a world where there is no oacute;
< p > and then he appeared.
< p > his brother.
< p > at the funeral he stood next to me when my legs refused to obey.
< p > he wiped my tears, when everyone else just gave me sad eyes and m & oacute; that & bdquo; time heals wounds & rdquo;.~ P > He was the one who called the oacute; he checked if I had eaten something, whether I left the house, or at least for a moment I broke away from the void, which & oacute; hand left death. < p > and then something changed.
< P >His presence ceased to be just a consolation. < p > became more.< p > I don't know when we crossed the border exactly.
< p > first touch.
< p > first kiss.< p > First night, when I didn't feel lonely.
< p > We didn't plan it. < p > but it happened.< p > We were young.
< p > We were happy.< p > and then it came.
< p > — It's disgusting — She scored a mother -in -law through the clenched teeth when she learned the truth. & Amp; MDASH; How can you do it for me ?
< p > I looked at her.
< p > in her eyes I saw b & oacute; l, rage, disappointment.< p > — Mom & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; He started but cut him off with his hand gesture.
< p > — Don't call me yes! & Amp; MDASH; She screamed. & Amp; MDASH; M & oacute; j son did not manage to cool in the grave, and you already & hellip;< p > broke down and her breath accelerated.
< p > — You betrayed him.
< p > these words pierced me like n & oacute; Ż. < p > Is it betrayal ?< p > could we still be faithful to someone who was no longer ?
< p > people judged us.
< p > family. Friends. < p > whispering behind the back, looking at us full of disgust. < p > but is love that can be controlled ?< p > Should we suffer forever, because the world does not understand that the heart does not choose ?
< p > We stayed together.
< p > despite the judgment & oacute; w.Despite the regret, which & oacute; ry never left us.
< p > because although we were happy, although we were intended ourselves &
< p > His shadow still stood between us.
< p > This may also interest you:< p > see, as we wrote about in recent days: