Four women. Four children. < img src = "" alt = "from life taken." Quot; I have four children from various relationships & quot ;: I pay maintenance, but I don't want to look after them " styles = "background-color: rgba (163,153,137.1)" > < p > four r & oacute; oacute stories that have led to the same point.

< p > point where & oacute; I never wanted to be a father.

< p > I wasn't a bad man.

< p > I did not hurt anyone intentionally.

< p > but I never felt associated with any of these children.

< p > every woman m & oacute; wiped the same:

< p > — This is your son

< p > — This is your C & Amp; Oacute; Rka.

< p > A I ?

< p > I just pulled out the wallet and paid.

< p > alimony & ndash; regular, in accordance with the court judgment.

< p > all in accordance with the law.

< p > children had something to eat, had clothes, had a roof over their heads.

< p > which more could like ?

< p > and yet each of their mothers told me the same:

< p > — Money is not everything.

< p > — Come.

< p > — They need you.

< p > — Why you never call ?

< p > — Why don't you come for your birthday ?

< p > — Why are you not interested in their lives ?

< p > because I couldn't.

< p > I couldn't be someone I never wanted to become.

< p > father.

< p > the eldest son, already a teenager, looked me once straight in the eye.

< p > — And who are you in the og < p > I didn't know what to answer.

< p > his mother looked at me with disappointment, as if I was the last man on whom & oacute; it is worth wasting time.

< p > A I ?

< p > I just pulled out the wallet.

< p > — How much is needed this time ?

< p > The boy smiled mocking.

< p > — Nothing. I don't want anything from you anymore.

< p > and then I realized that I lost everything before I was still in the fire. < p > because you can't be a father only on paper.

< p > and I have never been any more.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116