March is a key moment for gardeners. Sleep tomatoes and enjoy abundant crops! < img src = "" alt = "tomatoes require appropriate germination and growth conditions. Here are the most important rules that are worth observing" Style = "background-color: rgba (109,111,95.1)" > < P >Pomidory to jedne z najczęściej uprawianych warzyw w polskich ogrodach. Their juicy taste and versatility in the kitchen mean that every gardener dreams of good, red fruits ripening in the summer sun. Jednak, aby uzyskać satysfakcjonujące plony, należy odpowiednio zaplanować siew. Marzec to idealny moment, by rozpocząć uprawę pomidorów, ale trzeba pamiętać o kilku ważnych zasadach.

Termin siewu pomidorów ma ogromne znaczenie. Zbyt wczesne wysianie może prowadzić do nadmiernego wyciągania się sadzonek, a zbyt późne – do opóźnionego owocowania. Optymalnym okresem jest druga połowa marca i początek kwietnia. Tomatoes in our climate are best grown from seedlings, i.e. first sow seeds in containers, and only then overdo them into the ground or greenhouse.

< p > Sowing seeds in March, we provide young plants for enough time for growth and troops of the root system. Dzięki temu latem możemy liczyć na wcześniejsze i bardziej obfite plony.

< p >< br />Tomatoes require appropriate conditions for germination and growth. Here are the most important rules, which is worth following:

< p >< strong > heat & ndash; Tomato seeds & oacute; in the best germinate at 20-25 & After germination, the plant should be moved to a cooler place (about 18 & c) to avoid excessive pulling.

< P >< Strong > humidity & ndash; The substrate should be constantly moist, but not wet. Regular spraying will make young plants grow healthy.

< P >< Strong > appropriate substrate & ndash; Lightweight, permeable vegetable soil, rich in nutrients.

will work best < p >< strong > light & ndash; Seedlings need a lot of light, preferably a minimum of 12-14 hours a day. If the days are cloudy, it is worth lighting them with LED lamps.

< p > after about 3-4 weeks after sowing, when young plants release the first appropriate leaves, they should be drunk, i.e. overdown to larger pots. This is a key moment that & oacute; ry allows them to develop stronger roots.

< P > In turn, transplanting into the ground or greenhouse occurs in May, when the risk of frost is over. If the temperature at night drops below 10 & t; c, it is worth covering the plants of the agrows & oacute; knina to protect them.

< p > deciding to sow the tomato & oacute; in March, we give them the best start and provide earlier yields. Proper care, hardening of plants and regular watering will make us be able to enjoy delicious, juicy tomatoes straight from our own garden & dka.

< P > Don't wait! Prepare seeds, soil and pots & ndash; March is time to start the adventure with tomatoes.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116