The exchange of sentences between Elon Musk, Marco Rubio and Radosław Sikorski caused a wave of comments and heated the atmosphere on the international arena. < img src = "" alt = "Radosław Sikorski, screen youtube @radoslawsikorski" styles = "background-color: rgba (48,37,35,1)" > < P > The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs clashed with an American billionaire regarding the financing of the Starlink system for Ukraine. Musk, annoyed by Sikorski's entry, replied sharply: & ampquo; quiet or, little man & rdquo;. It was enough to boil in Poland.
< p > spa & oacute; r began with a musk entry, in which & oacute; rhym stated that it would be enough to impose sanctions on Ukrainian oligarch & oacute; to end the war. In the comments he was accused of silenced the role of Russia as an aggressor. Musk retorted that his company SpaceX, by providing the Starlink system, is crucial for Ukraine and that without it the entire front line could break down.
< p > Radosław Sikorski reacted to these words, reminding that Poland bears significant costs in maintaining Starlinek for Ukraine. < em >& ndash; Starlinki for Ukraine is paid by the Polish Ministry of Digitization in the amount of about 50 million & oacute; in dollar & oacute; in annually. Apart from the issue of ethics of threatening the victim of aggression, if SpaceX turns out to be a unreliable supplier, we will be forced to look for other solutions & amp. wrote the Polish minister. < p > his words did not only like Musk, but also Marco Rubio, an influential politician of the Republican Party. < em > & ndash; Nobody threatened to cut Ukraine from Starylinek. And say thank you, without Starlinek Ukraine would have lost this war a long time ago, and the Russians would now be at the borders with Poland & amp. wrote an American senator. < p >< em > & ampquo; thank you, Marco, for confirming that brave soldiers of Ukraine can count on key internet services provided to the co -provided & oacute; ścu; < em > Together, Europe and the United States can help & c 🇺🇦 in achieving a fair peace. “& Amp; rdquo;, – answered sikorski.< p > The greatest emotions were evoked by Elon Musk himself, which & oacute; in his style did not pick up in words. < em >& ndash; Silent, little man. You pay a small part of the cost & oacute; w. And there is no substitute for oldlinek & ndash; wrote on platform x, which unleashed the media storm.
< p > Many policies & oacute; in and journalists immediately reacted to his entry. Some & oacute; they defended Sikorski, others accused him of recklessly conducting diplomacy.
< p > Law and Justice politicians did not hide their indignation with Sikorski's entry, considering his actions irresponsible. < em > & ndash; For the good of Polish diplomacy & ndash; Maybe someone take Sikorski Twitter ? It is best before it leads to the US to withdraw soldiers from Poland & amp. commented on Paweł Jabłoński, former deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
< p > PiS MP Radosław Fogiel r & oacute;& ndash; Prime Minister Tusk M & Amp; Oacute; Wi in the Sejm about the weight of the Polish-American Alliance, and his head of diplomacy is not able to keep the phone in his pocket and must be in social media & amp. ironized. < p > Even more sharper was the PiS MEP Dominik Tarczyński: & ndash; Sikorski is very harmful to Poland. His lies and a claim attitude can lead to a serious crisis in Poland-Us relations. To resign! Immediately! < p > In turn, opposition politicians defended Sikorski, attacking Musk for his statement. < em > & ndash; Oho, Elon will block an account to the minister. Musk is a vindictive and tile cham about a pimple mentality g & oacute; wnierza & amp. said Anna-Maria Żukowska from the left. < P > In turn, journalist Mateusz Lachowski bitten bitterly the reaction of the American billionaire. < em >& ndash; This wonderful ally. This is a real American partnership & ndash; ironized.< p > Similarly, Patryk Słowik reacted: ~ 60 > & ndash; If someone is on the side of Musk, not Sikorski, he should think seriously. The principle is simple: to insult the Polish minister, we can, not some p & oacute; ryerkanin & amp. wrote.
< p > in defense of Sikorski stood the former US ambassador in Poland Daniel Fried. ~ 60 > ~ & amp. Good response of the Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski to the Secretary of State Marco Rubio ~ & amp. commented.
< p > The voice spoke by Sławomir Dębski, former head of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. < em > & ndash; Speaking of gratitude & ndash; Do not forget to thank the Polish generals Kościuszko and Pułaski. If it wasn't for them, America would not have “any cards” and it would be much more difficult to become a “land of free and the home of the brave” & & ndash; wrote in response to the entry of Musk.< p > sharp exchange of sentences between Musk and Sikorski has gained an international dimension. On the one hand, a billionaire who thinks that Poland has no real influence on Starlinek. On the other & ndash; Polish minister, which & oacute; ry reminds that our country finances a significant part of communication for Ukraine.
< p > Will this internet Kl & oacute; will affect Poland's relations with the USA ? or maybe it will be just a media storm, which & oacute; ra in a few days quit ? one thing is certain & ndash; Musk has again proved that he is not afraid of harsh words & oacute; and Sikorski showed that he is not going to remain silent when it comes to Polish interests.